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《数据结构与程序设计:C++语言描述(影印版)》内容简介:Data Structures and Program Design in C++Objccl-oricntcd programming and powerful features of C++ enable this carefully crafted text to build data struc-tures from basic ideas into complete,fully developed programs and interesting applications. In the process, the textexplores problem solving and programming principles, data abstraction, recursion, and the comparative analysis ofalgorithms as fundamentals tools of software design.Employing substantial case studies, reusable software devele pment, and programming projects to increaseundcrstanding, successful authors Robert L. Kruse and Alexander .J. Ryba include topics such as: C++ tcmplates are introduced early; code for data structures is developed as templated classes in fully reus-able form,the Standard Template Library(STL) is mentioned as appropriate. Rccursion is treated early and applied throughout the text. Data abstraction and abstract data types(ADTs) are emphasized, with conceptual development separatedfrom implementation issues.Advanced strnctures and algorithms are developed into complete programs, including splay trees. B-trees,red-black trees and graph algorithms such as minima spanning trees.I)ata Structures and Program Design in C++ will prove useful to both computer science students and professionals,The authors supply all code in this book on the Web. and. as well. they provide an excellent instructor supportpackage that includes an Instructor's Resource Manual with transparency masters, solutions, and source code to allof the programming examples and projects in the text.



@ 儒豪 一开始看这本书的时候觉得它代码风格老旧,有点难读。但看过其他数据结构的课以后发现这本书的知识其实非常丰富,里面有很多至今都有用的方法和思想,并且全都有代码实现。至于代码风格,其实只是习惯问题。具体来说,作者很喜欢用一些小技巧,例如if(a > 1) return true; else return false;写成return a > 1; 再例如一些应用程序的主程序喜欢写成while(do_command(get_command(), data));这样的多级函数的嵌套。刚开始读确实痛苦一点,但习惯以后觉得还不错哈哈。这本书是1999年的书了,那时C++才刚定稿没多久,可惜这本书没再版了。如果想看看C++11对数据结构的实现有什么改进,建议再去看看Weiss的数据结构与算法分析(C++) @ Parano 一开始看这本书的时候觉得它代码风格老旧,有点难读。但看过其他数据结构的课以后发现这本书的知识其实非常丰富,里面有很多至今都有用的方法和思想,并且全都有代码实现。至于代码风格,其实只是习惯问题。具体来说,作者很喜欢用一些小技巧,例如if(a > 1) return true; else return false;写成return a > 1; 再例如一些应用程序的主程序喜欢写成while(do_command(get_command(), data));这样的多级函数的嵌套。刚开始读确实痛苦一点,但习惯以后觉得还不错哈哈。这本书是1999年的书了,那时C++才刚定稿没多久,可惜这本书没再版了。如果想看看C++11对数据结构的实现有什么改进,建议再去看看Weiss的数据结构与算法分析(C++) @ 风追司马 很不错,数据结构c++入门书籍,读完英语水平也有很大提高! @ 晨星 温故而知新,温得很过瘾。 @ DouMiao 反正我是看这本书入了门。数据结构实现的代码都有,课后习题也有答案。


1 Programming Principles
2 Introduction to Stacks
3 Queues
4 Linked Stacks and Queues
5 Recursion
6 Lists and Strings
7 Searching
8 Sorting
9 Tables and Information Retrieval
10 Binary Trees
11 Multiway Trees
12 Graphs
13 Case Study: The Polish Notation
· · · · · ·

  • The maxim that many programmers observe, "First make your program work, then make it pretty," may be effective for small programs, but not for large ones.
    —— 引自第2页
  • Top-down refinement, is the real key to writing large programs that work. The principle implies the postponement of detailed consideration, but not the postponement of precision and rigor
    —— 引自第15页
  •   国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书(共58册),这套丛书还有《管理信息系统》《计算机算法》《数据挖掘》《电力电子学》《数字设计》等。


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