One Up On Wall Street

书名:One Up On Wall StreetHowToUseWhatYouAlreadyKnowToMakeMoneyInTheMarket
豆瓣评分: 9.1


Book Description THE NATIONAL BESTSELLING BOOK THAT EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD OWN Peter Lynch is America's number-one money manager. His mantra: Average investors can become experts in their own field and can pick winning stocks as effectively as Wall Street professionals by doing just a little research. Now, in a new introduction written specifically for this edition of One Up on Wall Street, Lynch gives his take on the incredible rise of Internet stocks, as well as a list of twenty winning companies of high-tech '90s. That many of these winners are low-tech supports his thesis that amateur investors can continue to reap exceptional rewards from mundane, easy-to-understand companies they encounter in their daily lives. Investment opportunities abound for the layperson, Lynch says. By simply observing business developments and taking notice of your immediate world — from the mall to the workplace — you can discover potentially successful companies before professional analysts do. This jump on the experts is what produces "tenbaggers," the stocks that appreciate tenfold or more and turn an average stock portfolio into a star performer. The former star manager of Fidelity's multibillion-dollar Magellan Fund, Lynch reveals how he achieved his spectacular record. Writing with John Rothchild, Lynch offers easy-to-follow directions for sorting out the long shots from the no shots by reviewing a company's financial statements and by identifying which numbers really count. He explains how to stalk tenbaggers and lays out the guidelines for investing in cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies. Lynch promises that if you ignore the ups and downs of the market and the endless speculation about interest rates, in the long term (anywhere from five to fifteen years) your portfolio will reward you. This advice has proved to be timeless and has made One Up on Wall Street a number-one bestseller. And now this classic is as valuable in the new millennium as ever. From Publishers Weekly The authors argue that average investors can beat Wall Street professionals by using the information gleaned from everyday life. "Investors will be able to put the shrewd insights presented to good use," remarked PW. 200,000 first printing. Book Dimension length: (cm)20.6                 width:(cm)14



彼得·林奇一直以他的选股能力而著称,他又一句名言:只要用心对股票做一点点研究,普通投资者也能成为股票投资专家,并且在选股方面的成绩能像华尔街的专家一样出色。林奇说,对于外行人来说投资机会随处可见。只要仔细观察一下商业的发展趋势,留心一下周围的世界,从购物中心到自己工作的地方,你就可以比专业分析人员更早地发现那些潜在的会大获成功的公司。  约翰·罗瑟查尔德,在《时代》、《财富》、《价值》以及《纽约时报书评》等刊物上发表过文章。他是Fool and His Money和Going for Broke两本书的作者,也是Beating the Street 和Learn to Earn两本书的合著者。他目前居住在佛罗里达州的迈阿密滩。


@ 索斐锡夕 书是三十几年前出版的,一些具体的方法细节也许有些过时,但其中的哲学仍然极具价值。对于业余投资者来说,要在市场上赚钱,核心理念就是用第一性原理回归股票的投资本质,将短线交易中的零和游戏,变成在一定时间段,中长线中所有股东都可能受益的投资游戏(就如同经济总量随着生产力上升,公司随着盈利而上升是同理的),进而增加盈利的概率。具体的建议,无论是忽略短期市场的噪音,不预测市场等都是围绕这一价值投资理念而立的。书中还有很多很有意思的描述,例如∶专业投资者其实可能并不如大众想象的专业,或者可能因为专业本身受到束缚(基金的规模,个股持仓上限,基金经理间的较量带来平庸等等)。又如将人视为资本,选择不同的职业发展,也如同买卖不同风格的股票(是求稳还是快速成长),说到底投资和人生都是个人价值观世界观的体现。 @ 落日一笑 蛮有趣的 投资心理上的启发大于实际应用价值吧 真的是性格决定investing style呀 真的是要认清自己然后顺应性格中的一部分也要能够抵抗一部分 @ 英文系小学生 散户也有可能战胜机构。当故事书看看挺好 @ 咕唧咕唧的声音 Brilliant!!


  • 第57页:开始投资股票前,投资者都应该首先问自己以下三个个人问题:1、我有一套房子吗?2、我未来需要钱吗?3、我具备股票投资成功所必需的个人素质吗?第61页:林奇认为股票投资成功所必需的个人素质:耐心、自立、常识、对于痛苦的忍耐力、心胸开阔、超然、坚持不懈、谦逊、灵活、愿意独立研究、能够主动承认错误以及能够在市场普遍恐慌之中不受影响保持冷静的能力。
    —— 引自第57页
  • 在股市上涨的第一个阶段——股市已经下跌了一段时间以至于根本没有人预测股市会上涨——人们都不愿谈论股票。当10个人宁愿与牙医谈论有关治疗牙斑的事情而不愿与一个共同基金经理人谈论股票时,很可能故事将要止跌反弹了。
    —— 引自第69页
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