
豆瓣评分: 7.1


From the award-winning columnist and author of the national bestseller The Undercover Economist comes a provocative big idea book about the genuine benefits of being messy: at home, at work, in the classroom, and beyond. Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives celebrates the benefits that messiness has in our lives: why it’s important, why we resist it, and why we should embrace it instead. Using research from neuroscience, psychology, social science, as well as captivating examples of real people doing extraordinary things, Tim Harford explains that the human qualities we value – creativity, responsiveness, resilience – are integral to the disorder, confusion, and disarray that produce them. From the music studio of Brian Eno to the Lincoln Memorial with Martin Luther King, Jr., from the board room to the classroom, messiness lies at the core of how we innovate, how we achieve, how we reach each other – in short, how we succeed. In Messy, you’ll learn about the unexpected connections between creativity and mess; understand why unexpected changes of plans, unfamiliar people, and unforeseen events can help generate new ideas and opportunities as they make you anxious and angry; and come to appreciate that the human inclination for tidiness – in our personal and professional lives, online, even in children’s play – can mask deep and debilitating fragility that keep us from innovation. Stimulating and readable as it points exciting ways forward, Messy is an insightful exploration of the real advantages of mess in our lives.


Tim Harford is the author of the bestseller The Undercover Economist and The Logic of Life and a member of the editorial board of the Financial Times, where he also writes the “Dear Economist” column. He is a regular contributor to Slate, Forbes, and NPR’s Marketplace. He was the host of the BBC TV series Trust Me, I’m an Economist and now presents the BBC series More or Less. Harford has been an economist at the World Bank and an economics tutor at Oxford University. He lives in London with his wife and two daughters.


@ daniel小鱼干 “得到”上听完的,中文的。三个观点,1.不走寻常路,不默守陈规,制造点无序,能提高创造力。 2.多元的团队,也许大家很难磨合、合作,但却更高效。3.有条理的生活,整齐的文件,有序的日程表,不如杂乱无章更有效率。第三点我非常不认可,我不觉得从来不整理文件不归档的人,会有效率,他能及时找到需要的文件吗,就算他用搜索功能,他知道去哪搜索吗? 但是作者有一个观点我非常认同,为什么现在的机器人可以通过图灵测试,可以如此接近的模拟人类的对话,因为人类越来越趋同,社交平台为了做大数据统计,把大家的表达规范化,而导致了单一化。 @ 维京晚安 我真的很努力在拜读了,但实在不喜欢这个行文……像高中时候的议论文一样,太过于规整,缺少灵气。读得直犯困。确实有好的观点,但实在没必要堆砌成一本书,跟写报告一样。感觉我和作者应该放过彼此……真的没法欣赏 @ 白菜 This book is poorly written. I am not convinced by the book at all, but i agree that neatness and certainty do not always lead to the best outcome @ Prunus d 一种有别于「整理」的思路,值得借鉴参考 @ v 全书九章,每章一个主题,其中关于创意和即兴这两个主题的讨论挺有意思,其他的似乎流于表面,更多是例子的堆砌。关于创意的讨论里面提到,学术成就最高的科学家并不是我们以为的很“专注”,他们喜欢变换研究主题,学术生涯人均换43次。 @ LRPXXX 总结下来就是拥抱随意性,不用追求表面的有序,而放弃背后的创造力。道理很简单,书中给出了很多例子。 @ Laurence 作者竭尽全力通过翔实论据分析“混乱”存在的必要性和正当性。 @ 维京晚安 我真的很努力在拜读了,但实在不喜欢这个行文……像高中时候的议论文一样,太过于规整,缺少灵气。读得直犯困。确实有好的观点,但实在没必要堆砌成一本书,跟写报告一样。感觉我和作者应该放过彼此……真的没法欣赏 @ 白菜 This book is poorly written. I am not convinced by the book at all, but i agree that neatness and certainty do not always lead to the best outcome


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