书名:Leftover in ChinaTheWomenShapingtheWorld'sNextSuperpower
豆瓣评分: 7.0
Factory Girls meets The Vagina Monologues in this fascinating narrative on China's single women—and why they could be the source of its economic future. Forty years ago, China enacted the one-child policy, only recently relaxed. Among many other unintended consequences, it resulted in both an enormous gender imbalance—with a predicted twenty million more men than women of marriage age by 2020—and China's first generations of only-daughters. Given the resources normally reserved for boys, these girls were pushed to study, excel in college, and succeed in careers, as if they were sons. Now living in an economic powerhouse, enough of these women have decided to postpone marriage—or not marry at all—to spawn a label: "leftovers." Unprecedentedly well-educated and goal-oriented, they struggle to find partners in a society where gender roles have not evolved as vigorously as society itself, and where new professional opportunities have made women less willing to compromise their careers or concede to marriage for the sake of being wed. Further complicating their search for a mate, the vast majority of China's single men reside in and are tied to the rural areas where they were raised. This makes them geographically, economically, and educationally incompatible with city-dwelling 「leftovers,」 who also face difficulty in partnering with urban men, given the urban men's general preference for more dutiful, domesticated wives. Part critique of China's paternalistic ideals, part playful portrait of the romantic travails of China's trailblazing women and their well-meaning parents who are anxious to see their daughters snuggled into traditional wedlock, Roseann Lake's Leftover in China focuses on the lives of four individual women against a backdrop of colorful anecdotes, hundreds of interviews, and rigorous historical and demographic research to show how these "leftovers" are the linchpin to China's future.
Roseann Lake is The Economist's Cuba correspondent. She was previously based in Beijing, where she worked for five years as a television reporter and journalist. Her China coverage has appeared in Foreign Policy, Time, The Atlantic, Salon, and Vice, among others. She lives between New York City and Havana.
@ Sburrow Cliche, cliche and more cliche. Just because the author knows more abt China than the rest of the average Westerners doesnt justify her bigger ignorance. Too bad to see she still puts her observation abt China under the western microscope. @ 亮亮 2.5. A sloppy book about China's dating scene. Don't read it! It relies heavily on anecdotal stories as opposed to hard facts. All the wild claims she made in the book just showed how miserably she failed to understand the complex cultural and historical context of marriage in China. @ ?钱自由 美国人对我国剩女现象的分析。记者写的社会分析的书,总感觉没有学者写得深入,但是又读着很流畅。书中说的很多东西都是老生常谈,就是文革期间的婚姻、为建设社会主义而结婚和为创业而当小三的人等这些内容,我还是第一次听说。最后两章还提到了很多其他国家,比如日韩新加坡什么的,这个国际视野很赞。第五章是讲同志婚姻的。结婚结婚,到底怎么结嘛?!我最近一想到这个就惆怅。PS:想吐槽念这本audiobook的人,中文读得太差了吧。