In Order To Live

书名:In Order To LiveANorthKoreanGirl'sJourneytoFreedom
豆瓣评分: 8.5


'I am most grateful for two things: that I was born in North Korea, and that I escaped from North Korea.' Yeonmi Park was not dreaming of freedom when she escaped from North Korea. She didn't even know what it meant to be free. All she knew was that she was running for her life, that if she and her family stayed behind they would die – from starvation, or disease, or even execution. This book is the story of Park's struggle to survive in the darkest, most repressive country on earth; her harrowing escape through China's underworld of smugglers and human traffickers; and then her escape from China across the Gobi desert to Mongolia, with only the stars to guide her way, and from there to South Korea and at last to freedom; and finally her emergence as a leading human rights activist – all before her 21st birthday.


Yeonmi Park (Korean: 박연미; born 4 October 1993) is a North Korean defector and activist whose family fled from North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. Her family turned to black-market trading during North Korea's economic collapse in the 1990s. Her father was sent to a labor camp for smuggling. They fled to China, where Park and her mother fell into the hands of human traffickers and she was sold into slavery before escaping to Mongolia. She is now an advocate for victims of human trafficking in China and works to promote human rights in North Korea and around the globe.


@ Elaine很开心 哭了我不下3次… Yeonmi描述的童年的场景总觉得似曾相识 @ beren 最深的印象是主角即使逃离了也对故乡北朝鲜充满了感情,若不是活不下去大概也不会选择出逃吧 @ Irgendwann 因为她最后的生活越来越好了,就有越来越多的人质疑她故事的真实性,这点我感同身受了。但幸福是自己的,是你的别人就夺不走。 @ Alicia 朴延美真的很努力的in order to live了。但是书里有明显的个人立场,她很不满中国遣返脱北者,但为什么中国要接受?还有一些细节存疑,比如说hongwei在沈阳15岁就是帮派头还有karaok empire?我不信,hongwei这个人身上太多疑点。 @ 三无人员 偷渡这段真得太惨了,北朝鲜人民真是来自一片没有猜疑的净土,为了活下去,要付出的东西太多了 作者的部分观点我接受不了,对中国移民政策不满在几句话之间透露的非常明显。我就想问,中国为什么要开放接纳北朝。 @ 友谊路口 读到后面开始哇哇大哭 @ 还好吃饱了 一个人所做的一切都是为了活下去的话,谁能职责她有罪呢? @ Barbalala 一个由女性讲述的脱北过中入韩的血泪故事。有人怀疑书中有杜撰和夸大成分,但我始终觉得应该相信苦难存在于各个角落,多的是你不了解的事。为了活下去,她们遭受了饥饿、逮捕、强暴、贩卖,非人的生活难以想象。对于指责她没有立场质疑中方遣返政策的人,我想说你们也没有立场指责一个in order to live的人。 @ LIANGOVÝ 虽然语言上的文学性不高,但是内容却很饱满 @ 木木子 繁体


Part 1 North Korea
1 Even the Birds and Mice Can Hear You Whisper
2 A Dangerous History
3 Swallows and Magpies
4 Tears of Blood
5 The Dear Leader
6 City of Dreams
7 The Darkest Nights
8 A Song for Chosun
9 Jangmadang Generation
10 The Lights of China
11 Missing
Part 2 China
12 The Other Side of Darkness
13 A Deal with the Devil
14 A Birthday Gift
15 Dust and Bones
16 Kidnapped
17 Like Bread from the Sky
18 Following the Stars
Part 3 South Korea
19 The Freedom Birds
20 Dreams and Nightmares
21 A Hungry Mind
22 Now on My Way to Meet you
23 Amazing Grace
24 Homecoming
· · · · · ·

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