Humans of New York

书名:Humans of New YorkStories
豆瓣评分: 8.8


In the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton began an ambitious project -to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. The photos he took and the accompanying interviews became the blog Humans of New York. His audience steadily grew from a few hundred followers to, at present count, over twelve million. In 2013, his book Humans of New York, based on that blog, was published and immediately catapulted to the top of the NY Times Bestseller List where it has appeared for over forty-five weeks. Now, Brandon is back with the Humans of New York book that his loyal followers have been waiting for: Humans of New York: Stories. Ever since Brandon began interviewing people on the streets of New York, the dialogue he's had with them has increasingly become as in-depth, intriguing and moving as the photos themselves. Humans of New York: Stories presents a whole new group of people in stunning photographs, with a rich design and, most importantly, longer stories that delve deeper and surprise with greater candor. Let Brandon Stanton and the Humans of New York he's photographed astonish you all over again next fall.


BRANDON STANTON is the creator of the #1 New York Times bestselling book Humans of New York as well as the children's book, Little Humans. He was a 2013 Time Magazine "30 people under 30 changing the world," an ABC News Person of the Week, told stories from around the world in collaboration with the United Nations, and was invited to photograph President Obama in the Oval Office. His photography and storytelling blog, also called Humans of New York is followed by over fifteen million people on several social media platforms. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and lives in New York City.


@ 王大喜 This book completely threw me off. Why do I need to care about such mundanes and how would we know if she/he has a voice of wisdom without understanding her background? Feels like watching the episode Modern Love, but I could care less. A waste of paper, colored print and reading time. And you call this a book? May be humiliating to the word book. @ dreamtwister The ONE and the ONLY New York. @ FLENCHURIE 休闲读物,工作间隙当消遣小段子看看,很厚的一本竟然在刚才意外地结束了。第一次读中文版的《人在纽约》好像是高中的事情了 @ 开战车的祁祁_ 隔天去了上海美术馆 太后现代 根本get不到点 但是在美术馆有这本书 上下两册加起来四百多 我就硬生生把书背回了家 超级值得 任何时候翻开都是疗愈 @ 梦一场 活生生的现实,客观的采访,就像记录片一样。寥寥几句足以让在下捶胸顿足。


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