How We Learn

书名:How We LearnTheSurprisingTruthAboutWhen,Where,andWhyItHappens
豆瓣评分: 9.3


In the tradition of The Power of Habit and Thinking, Fast and Slow comes a practical, playful, and endlessly fascinating guide to what we really know about learning and memory today—and how we can apply it to our own lives. From an early age, it is drilled into our heads: Restlessness, distraction, and ignorance are the enemies of success. We’re told that learning is all self-discipline, that we must confine ourselves to designated study areas, turn off the music, and maintain a strict ritual if we want to ace that test, memorize that presentation, or nail that piano recital. But what if almost everything we were told about learning is wrong? And what if there was a way to achieve more with less effort? In How We Learn, award-winning science reporter Benedict Carey sifts through decades of education research and landmark studies to uncover the truth about how our brains absorb and retain information. What he discovers is that, from the moment we are born, we are all learning quickly, efficiently, and automatically; but in our zeal to systematize the process we have ignored valuable, naturally enjoyable learning tools like forgetting, sleeping, and daydreaming. Is a dedicated desk in a quiet room really the best way to study? Can altering your routine improve your recall? Are there times when distraction is good? Is repetition necessary? Carey’s search for answers to these questions yields a wealth of strategies that make learning more a part of our everyday lives—and less of a chore. By road testing many of the counterintuitive techniques described in this book, Carey shows how we can flex the neural muscles that make deep learning possible. Along the way he reveals why teachers should give final exams on the first day of class, why it’s wise to interleave subjects and concepts when learning any new skill, and when it’s smarter to stay up late prepping for that presentation than to rise early for one last cram session. And if this requires some suspension of disbelief, that’s because the research defies what we’ve been told, throughout our lives, about how best to learn. The brain is not like a muscle, at least not in any straightforward sense. It is something else altogether, sensitive to mood, to timing, to circadian rhythms, as well as to location and environment. It doesn’t take orders well, to put it mildly. If the brain is a learning machine, then it is an eccentric one. In How We Learn, Benedict Carey shows us how to exploit its quirks to our advantage.


Benedict Carey is an award-winning science reporter who has been at The New York Times since 2004, and one of the newspaper’s most emailed reporters. He graduated from the University of Colorado with a bachelor’s degree in math and from Northwestern University with a master’s in journalism, and has written about health and science for twenty-five years. He lives in New York City.


@ J0N4TH0N Ignorance, distraction, interruption, forgetfulness, restlessness & even quitting can work in our favor!It's a mind-blowing book with brilliant, insightful & inspiring ideas! It's like I've dug upon goldmine! A must-read for everyone! @ 宝宝TWO 我觉得点都特别好,但是做一个Brief就很好了,为什么要搞的这么臭又长? @ Ray 书里的建议比较简单,就是尽量在不同的环境下,分多次学习 (在同一个自习室连续学三个小时效果不如分三天每天在不同的地方学一小时),另外保持充足的睡眠。但是书里有非常多的研究成果,如果对这些心理学研究感兴趣,推荐。如果只是想看建议,找个综述看看就好。 @ 密码有误 大脑运作方式新解~~ @ 未注销 内容教研必读 补打卡 @ supermemo 14年出一版,15年出一版。也不知道作者搞什么。 @ Joann Lo 有用 @ 小困 想推荐给我身边的所有人! @ 未注销 内容教研必读 补打卡 @ 密码有误 大脑运作方式新解~~


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