How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

书名:How to Live on 24 Hours a DayTheKeytoaFuller,RicherLife
豆瓣评分: 7.5


This classic personal time-management book originally published in 1908 has inspired generations of men and women to live deliberate lives. Not just another collection of time saving tips, this book is more of a challenge to leave behind mundane everyday concerns, focus on pursuing one's true desires, and live the fullest possible life. Reflection, concentration, and study techniques make it easier to accomplish more truly rewarding undertakings than anyone ever dreamed possible.


Arnold Bennett was the author of the popular "pocket philosophies" series, of which this book is a part. He also wrote such novels as Anna of the Five Towns and the Clayhanger trilogy.


@ Cygnus777 “All I urge is that a life in which conduct does not fairly well accord with principles is a silly life; and that conduct can only be made to accord with principles by means of daily examination, reflection, and resolution.” “You need not be devoted to the arts, nor to literature, in order to live fully.” @ 莫小池cathy Stoic, atomic habits. To change a behaviour is to change a habit. One must start small to keep the progress going. A reflective mood is the key to happiness, which is derived from the adjustment of conduct to principles.


1. The Daily Miracle
2. The Desire to Exceed One's Programme
3. Precautions Before Beginning
4. The Cause of the Trouble
5. Tennis and the Immortal Soul
6. Remember Human Nature
7. Controlling the Mind
8. The Reflective Mood
9. Interest in the Arts
10. Nothing in Life is Humdrum
11. Serious Reading
12. Dangers to Avoid
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  • 你承认自己总觉得压抑,老对自己的生活安排不满意;之所以这么郁郁不安,主要原因在于你总觉得每天都有很多你想完成的事情无法完成。你总希望要是有“更多时间”就可以做哪些想做的事情,但你永远不会有“更多的时间”,因为你的时间就是这些。为了妥善安排生活以便利用好一天24小时这笔财富,过得充实而舒适,最重要的准备工作就是要冷静地预见到这件事十分困难,不仅需要牺牲,还需要不懈的努力。这一点我怎么强调都不过分。如果你以为用一张纸一支笔别出心裁地作出一张时间表,就可以实现理想,你最好立刻放弃这种想法。如果你还没准备好去面对失意和幻灭,如果你不情愿付出多、回报少,那就不要开始。继续躺着,照样慵懒却不安地打瞌睡,这就是你所谓的生存。我要如何开始呢?对于开始,没有什么神奇妙法。你开始就是了。时间最美妙之处在于你不能预支时间拿去浪费。来年、明天、下一个小时都为你准备好了,全新的,未被使用过,仿佛你整个生涯都没浪费或滥用一分一秒的时间。如果愿意,你随时可以开始崭新的一页。(The chief beauty about the constant supply of time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoilt, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your career. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.)开始前的提醒:不要热情过度。开始前不要包揽太多,要满足于哪怕是微小的收获。允许意…
    —— 引自第25页
  • 每周六天,每天早上至少半小时(上班路上的时间);加上每周三个晚上,每晚各一个半小时,每周总共有七个半小时。我认为充分利用这七个半小时会使你这一周过得更快,生活变得更有激情,连你一向觉得乏味至极的工作都能唤起你的兴趣。对此你无须感到惊异,因为一早一晚你花区区十分钟锻炼身体,就会全天受益,体格改善、体力增强,你整个身体状况都有所改观,对此你却并不惊异;同理,平均一天花一个多小时来陶冶性情,也应能长久地使所有精神活动充满生机。或许应该投入更多时间提高自身素质。付出的时间越多,收获就越大。但我倾向于从看似微不足道的努力开始。其实也不是微不足道的努力,那些尚未有所尝试的人今后会发现这一点。即使从时间丛林中“清理出”七个半小时都有些困难,因为得做出某种牺牲。也许一个人的确花了那些时间,不管过得多么糟糕;也许一个人也的确利用那时间做了些事,不管那些事做得多么不妥。但想要做其他事就意味着习惯的改变。要改变习惯相当困难!况且,任何改变,哪怕是往好的方面改变总伴随着缺憾和不适。如果你想象自己每周都能利用那七个半小时坚持不懈地认真努力,却同时还能着以前的生活,那你就错了。我重复一遍,某种牺牲以及过人的毅力是必需的。因为我知道要做到那样是多么困难,并且在这件事情上一旦失败就会造成几乎是灾难性的后果,所以我诚恳地建议要非常缓和地开始。你必须维护你的自尊,自尊是一切动机的根本,在精心思量的事情上失败往往会给人的自尊带来致命的打击。因此我重申,再重申:要低调谦抑地开始。如果你每周花七个半小时认真提升自己的精力,三个月下来,你就可以开始高声歌唱,可以告诉自己能做多么神奇的事。在讲到利用这些时间的方法之前,我还有最后一个建议。就晚间活动安排而言,可以花超过一个半小时的时间做一个半小时的工作,因为要考虑到可能发生的意外,要像到人的天性。比如,让自己从晚上9点到11点半做本来计划90分钟内做…
    —— 引自第47页
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