书名:How China Became Capitalist
豆瓣评分: 8.5
This book examines the extraordinary events that led to China's transformation from a close agrarian socialist economy to becoming an invincible manufacturing powerhouse of the global economy.
RONALD COASE is Nobel Laureate in Economics. His work has had a profound impact on economics; his work clarified the theory of the firm and gave rise to the field of Law and Economics. The Coase theorem is widely studied in economics. Professor Coase is currently Clifton R. Musser Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Chicago Law School, he is also a research advisor at the Ronald Coase Institute. NING WANG is an Assistant Professor as the School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University, USA.
@ 30天内改一次 全程带着惊叹,科斯对那段历史的了解程度远超想象,没有某些国外学者隔靴搔痒的距离感。一些重要的观点:中国快速崛起,不是因为政府全知全能,而是政府能够承认无知无能;两条改革线,自上而下和自下而上,自下而上的自发改革赢得了自己的地位,而非自始赋予;地方政府间的竞争为政府转型和经济发展提供了重要驱动,虽然重复建设降低效率,但从培养了大量工业化人口和传播知识的角度来看,利或大于弊;还有很多此前未曾想到过的观点,实在受益匪浅,开阔思路,惊觉作为科班出身自己仍然多么刻板和局限。常读常新。 @ 时隔三年后读原版,公道地说的确是改革开放史的合格入门读物,全面记录了二十年的变革(2000后很少涉及),观点上也很难挑出毛病。但问题在于,此书作者并非一般人,所期望其写出的也应当有自己的独到学术见地。而本书最重要观点正是题目本身(在中文版中被完全阉割),但对于Capitalism with Chinese characteristics究竟有什么特殊表现,书中只给出了一个最重要观点——缺乏自由思想市场以保证创新,最应体现全书核心的最后一章却是最空洞的一章,只有前面关于边缘革命如何异军突起、突破state-led agenda的历史叙述,还算有点意义。
There is an extensive and growing literature on China’s decentralized political structure and its far-reaching impact on China’s market transformation. As we have discussed, the legacy of Mao’s repeated efforts at administrative decentralization persists. But Mao’s legacy is itself rooted in China’s long history, under which the so-called junxian system prevailed. As reflected by the well-known Chinese axiom, “the mountain is high and the emperor far away,” the de facto autonomy enjoyed by the xian or county government has long been a distinctive feature of Chinese political structure.But fiscal and administrative decentralization does not necessarily lead to regional competition. In Mao’s time, for example, regional competition did not arise. Instead, Mao’s repeated efforts at decentral…—— 引自章节:Growing out of Socialism: Capi
Regional competition has another important dimension that has so far eluded scholarly attention, which helps to reveal an important aspect of Chinese capitalism and sheds new light on the question raised at the beginning of this section: What exactly is competed for in regional competition? There is no doubt that investment has been the immediate target of competition between local governments. But as they compete, local governments also vie over different ideas of economic development. This subtle but critically important dimension of China’s regional competition will become clear if we put it into historical context.Under Mao, the decentralized Chinese economy inevitably opened up some room for local initiatives. But none of them lasted long before being hijacked by Mao’s political cam…—— 引自章节:Growing out of Socialism: Capi