High Growth Handbook

书名:High Growth Handbook
豆瓣评分: 9.3


Well-known technology executive and angel investor Elad Gil has worked with high growth tech companies like Airbnb, Twitter, Google, Instacart, Coinbase, Stripe, and Square as they've grown from small companies into global brands. Across all of these break-out companies, a set of common patterns has evolved into a repeatable playbook that Gil has codified in High Growth Handbook. Covering key topics including the role of the CEO, managing your board, recruiting and managing an executive team, M&A, IPOs and late stage funding rounds, and interspersed with over a dozen interviews with some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley including Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), Marc Andreessen (Andreessen Horowitz), and Aaron Levie (Box), High Growth Handbook presents crystal clear guidance for navigating the most complex challenges that confront leaders and operators in high-growth startups. In what Reid Hoffman, cofounder of LinkedIn and co-author of the #1 NYT bestsellers The Alliance and The Startup of You calls "a trenchant guide," High Growth Handbook is the playbook for turning a startup into a unicorn.


Elad Gil is an entrepreneur, operating executive, and investor or advisor to private companies such as Airbnb, Coinbase, Checkr, Gusto, Instacart, OpenDoor, Pinterest, Square, Stripe, Wish, and others. He is cofounder and chairman at Color Genomics.

Previously, he was the VP of Corporate Strategy at Twitter, where he also ran various product (Geo, Search) and other operational teams (M&A and Corporate Development). Elad joined Twitter via the acquisition of MixerLabs, a company where he was co-founder and CEO. MixerLabs ran GeoAPI, one of the early developer-centric platform infrastructure products. Elad spent many years at Google, where he started the mobile team and was involved in all aspects of getting that team up and running. He was involved with three acquisitions (including the Android team) and was the original product manager for Google Mobile Maps and other key mobile products.

Prior to Google, Elad had product management and market-seeding roles at a number of Silicon Valley companies. He also worked at McKinsey & Co. Elad received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has degrees in Mathematics and Biology from the University of California, San Diego.


@ yusen 很好,因为对high-growth公司的书太少了。主要读了marc andreessen的访谈(其他的对我也没啥意义): (1) product -> distribution. 过了p/m fit阶段,渠道与客户资源是最重要的,优秀产品/功能很容易被复制; (2) M&A很重要也很容易被忽视. google, fb都做了大量MA. 国内头条其实也一样 (3) 怎么做出下一个关键产品,核心在是否有优秀的人才,这类人其实很少. 其次才是划分工程师资源. network effect来得快,去得也快 (myspace). @ Östrom 很好,因为对high-growth公司的书太少了。主要读了marc andreessen的访谈(其他的对我也没啥意义): (1) product -> distribution. 过了p/m fit阶段,渠道与客户资源是最重要的,优秀产品/功能很容易被复制; (2) M&A很重要也很容易被忽视. google, fb都做了大量MA. 国内头条其实也一样 (3) 怎么做出下一个关键产品,核心在是否有优秀的人才,这类人其实很少. 其次才是划分工程师资源. network effect来得快,去得也快 (myspace).


  • 你需要奠定一套原则和作风然后贯彻为企业文化。
    —— 引自章节:决策与高管管理——克莱尔·休斯·约翰逊访谈录
  • 从产品到分销的思维转换初创公司取得成功的方式通常是开发出一款富有吸引力、差异化鲜明的产品,从而将大量客户从传统产品那里拉了过来。于是,庞大的客户基础就成为公司向前发展的一大资产。公司的其他产品也可以卖给这些客户,为公司争取到更多时间或金钱。既然最初成功的原因是专心做产品,爆品公司的创始人常常就认为产品开发是公司的首要竞争力和资产。事实上,分销渠道和来自第一款产品的客户基础才是公司最重要的发展优势和拉开差距的地方。
    —— 引自章节:从产品到分销的思维转换
  •   Stripe Press Books(共13册),这套丛书还有《An Elegant Puzzle》《Scientific Freedom》《Scientific Freedom》《The Making of Prince of Persia》《Stubborn Attachments》等。


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