书名:HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy
豆瓣评分: 8.9
Is your company spending too much time on strategy development–with too little to show for it? If you read nothing else on strategy, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you catalyze your organization's strategy development and execution. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy will inspire you to: • Distinguish your company from rivals • Clarify what your company will and won't do • Craft a vision for an uncertain future • Create blue oceans of uncontested market space • Use the Balanced Scorecard to measure your strategy • Capture your strategy in a memorable phrase • Make priorities explicit • Allocate resources early • Clarify decision rights for faster decision making"
迈克尔•波特(Michael Porter),哈佛商学院战略与竞争力研究院负责人。
罗伯特•卡普兰(Robert S. Kaplan),哈佛商学院马文•鲍尔领导力发展学教授。
吉姆•柯林斯(Jim Collins),管理学教育者和作家,著有《基业长青》。
杰里•波勒斯(Jerry I. Porras),斯坦福大学商学院的组织行为与变革教授。
克莱顿•克里斯坦森(Clayton M. Christensen),哈佛商学院教授,著有《创新者的窘境》。
W.钱•金(W. Chan Kim),英士国际商学院(INSEAD)战略和管理学教授。
戴维•诺顿(David P. Norton),平衡记分卡协会CEO、共同创办人。
@ netcasper 五星送给第一篇波特的what is strategy。Collins的可以忽略,已经被光环效应批判过了。 @ Lawrence NLB. reinventing your business model那篇获益匪浅。其他的article太高屋建瓴了……没到那个level,读不懂,也用不上…… @ 一个马甲 good framework @ Vermillion 有几篇跳出盒子看,值得一读。写完了战略之后再来读,有些经历的确是真实的。可能对于读者而言只是套话,亲身经历了才能明白信息流是否通畅及谁是决策者等等管理类问题对战略制定和执行都有影响。 @ Lawrence 有几篇跳出盒子看,值得一读。写完了战略之后再来读,有些经历的确是真实的。可能对于读者而言只是套话,亲身经历了才能明白信息流是否通畅及谁是决策者等等管理类问题对战略制定和执行都有影响。 @ 一杯水 波特的两篇都不错,five forces分析方法非常实用。蓝海战略那篇基本上是另一个版本的行业周期理论,除了说法新颖之外,理论并没有太多推进。 @ 一个马甲 good framework @ 路人一枚小深酱 NLB. reinventing your business model那篇获益匪浅。其他的article太高屋建瓴了……没到那个level,读不懂,也用不上……
"What Is Strategy?" and "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy," by Michael E. Porter; "Building Your Company's Vision," by James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras; "Reinventing Your Business Model," by Mark Johnson, Clayton Christensen, and Henning Kagermann; "Blue Ocean Strategy," by W. Chan Kim and Ren e Mauborgne; "The Secrets to Successful Strategy Execution," by Gary L. Neilson, Karla L. Martin, and Elizabeth Powers; "Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System," by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton; "Transforming Corner-Office Strategy into Frontline Action," by Orit Gadiesh and James L. Gilbert; "Turning Great Strategy into Great Performance," by Michael C. Mankins and Richard Steele; and "Who Has the D? How Clear Decision Roles Enhance Organizational Performance," by Paul Rogers and Marcia Blenko.
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