Ghosts of the Tsunami

书名:Ghosts of the TsunamiDeathandLifeinJapan’sDisasterZone
豆瓣评分: 8.7


On 11 March 2011, a massive earthquake sent a 120-foot-high tsunami smashing into the coast of north-east Japan. By the time the sea retreated, more than 18,500 people had been crushed, burned to death, or drowned. It was Japan’s greatest single loss of life since the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. It set off a national crisis, and the meltdown of a nuclear power plant. And even after the immediate emergency had abated, the trauma of the disaster continued to express itself in bizarre and mysterious ways. Richard Lloyd Parry, an award-winning foreign correspondent, lived through the earthquake in Tokyo, and spent six years reporting from the disaster zone. There he encountered stories of ghosts and hauntings. He met a priest who performed exorcisms on people possessed by the spirits of the dead. And he found himself drawn back again and again to a village which had suffered the greatest loss of all, a community tormented by unbearable mysteries of its own. What really happened to the local children as they waited in the school playground in the moments before the tsunami? Why did their teachers not evacuate them to safety? And why was the unbearable truth being so stubbornly covered up? Ghosts of the Tsunami is a classic of literary non-fiction, a heart-breaking and intimate account of an epic tragedy, told through the personal accounts of those who lived through it. It tells the story of how a nation faced a catastrophe, and the bleak struggle to find consolation in the ruins.


Richard Lloyd Parry was born in north-west England, and has lived since 1995 in Tokyo, where he is the Asia Editor of The Times newspaper of London. He has reported from twenty-eight countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq and North Korea. In 2005, he was named the UK's foreign correspondent of the year. He has also written for Granta, the New York Times and the London Review of Books.


@ clover Like the plot of a fiction, these remembrances culminated in belief in a mystery, in things missing, removed, and deliberately hidden-a conspiracy, that not only worsened the pain of grief but rendered it incomprehensible. @ JuJube 日文翻成英文名看上去太让人头大了,搞不清谁是谁,影响阅读,自然无法共情。下次我就记首字母好了。书本身的问题:线索不突出。絮絮叨叨,讲神神鬼鬼的,也不知是真是假。 @ JuneCybil 写得很好,看哭了好多次 @ 无人知晓 很是唏嘘,明明能躲过的灾难,却由于不负责的校方和过于听话的孩子,导致整个小学几乎全部丧生。留下的永远是最痛苦的。还好赢得了集体诉讼,还好受灾现场得到了保留,既是警戒,也是寄托 @ 卧搓豆 海啸对经历其中的人的深远的伤害


  • 当时,到处都可以听到另一组ロ号,使用了一个不同的日语单词。加油( Ganbaro)是一个鼓励人们克服困难和挑战的劝勉之词:最直接的翻译是“不屈不挠”“坚持不懈”或“竭尽所能”。当孩子面临考试或运动员参加比赛时,你会对他说加油。在车站和共建筑上常常可以看到印有“东北加油!”的横幅。它们是号召人团结一致的宣言,往往来自本人未受海啸影响的绝大多数日本人。但作为一种表达同情的方式,它显得有些奇怪,更不用说用来表达哀悼之情。让刚刚失去家园和亲人的人像马拉松运动员那样坚持到底真的是一种安慰吗?在我看来,加油这个词背后的意思是说,他们所经历的一切,从长远来看是有好处的,而这削弱了对那些蒙受苦难的人所表达的同情。
    —— 引自章节:海啸不是水
  • 我受够了日本人接受现实的态度,厌倦了他们没完没了的坚忍。或许从某种非一般的超然角度来看,大川小学孩子的死亡的确能让人洞察宇宙的本质。但在达到那个缥缈的境界之前,在万物生活和呼吸的世界里,它们还代表了其他东西一一人性和制度失败的表现,体现了怯懦、自满和优柔寡断。认识宇宙的真理和人类的渺小是一回事,间题是如何在做到这一点的同时,又不屈从于消极接受的文化,这种文化已经让这个国家窒息了太长时间。日本已经拥有足够多的平静和自我约束。他们现在需要紫桃、只野和铃木这样的人:愤怒、严厉、坚决,能够无畏地挺身而出,勇敢斗争,哪怕是与死亡进行一场注定失败的较量。
    —— 引自章节:救命!不要掉进海里
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