书名:Effective JavaScript68SpecificWaystoHarnessthePowerofJavaScript
豆瓣评分: 8.6
"It's uncommon to have a programming language wonk who can speak in such comfortable and friendly language as David does. His walk through the syntax and semantics of JavaScript is both charming and hugely insightful; reminders of gotchas complement realistic use cases, paced at a comfortable curve. You'll find when you finish the book that you've gained a strong and comprehensive sense of mastery." -Paul Irish, developer advocate, Google Chrome "This is not a book for those looking for shortcuts; rather it is hard-won experience distilled into a guided tour. It's one of the few books on JS that I'll recommend without hesitation." -Alex Russell, TC39 member, software engineer, Google In order to truly master JavaScript, you need to learn how to work effectively with the language's flexible, expressive features and how to avoid its pitfalls. No matter how long you've been writing JavaScript code, Effective JavaScript will help deepen your understanding of this powerful language, so you can build more predictable, reliable, and maintainable programs. Author David Herman, with his years of experience on Ecma's JavaScript standardization committee, illuminates the language's inner workings as never before-helping you take full advantage of JavaScript's expressiveness. Reflecting the latest versions of the JavaScript standard, the book offers well-proven techniques and best practices you'll rely on for years to come. Effective JavaScript is organized around 68 proven approaches for writing better JavaScript, backed by concrete examples. You'll learn how to choose the right programming style for each project, manage unanticipated problems, and work more successfully with every facet of JavaScript programming from data structures to concurrency. Key features include * Better ways to use prototype-based object-oriented programming * Subtleties and solutions for working with arrays and dictionary objects * Precise and practical explanations of JavaScript's functions and variable scoping semantics * Useful JavaScript programming patterns and idioms, such as options objects and method chaining * In-depth guidance on using JavaScript's unique "run-to-completion" approach to concurrency
David Herman,资深 JavaScript 技术专家,Ecma TC39 委员会成员,负责JavaScript 的标准化工作。他拥有格林内尔学院的计算机科学学士学位和美国东北大学的计算机科学硕士及博士学位,现在 Mozilla 研究院担任高级研究员。
@ [已注销] 对初学者很有用 但是更像是recipes 零零散散的知识点 @ 方鸿渐 啃书太慢怎么破…. @ 大猫 蛮实用的书,可以给大家搞两节sharing sessions @ simple 非常实用 @ RednaxelaFX 哇!才发现Mozilla Research大佬之一的David Herman居然写了本JavaScript书,而且也有Brendan Eich背书。这个必须拜读下看看。官网在 http://effectivejs.com 读完一遍,印象非常好。全是干货但不干巴巴,生动而不枯燥。JS进阶阅读必推 @ 架构师 国内引进的英文版封面不是这样的。封面错了,拒绝写书评。 @ [已注销] 对初学者很有用 但是更像是recipes 零零散散的知识点 @ linf 满满的干货,对于闭包closure, this以及异步concurrency讲的很透,能感觉到作者真正是厚积薄发 @ Kai 虽然有点过时,但是依然很有帮助!帮我理清了一些难懂的javascript概念 @ wgao19 这本书的点太追求技术、太偏了,原理解释得也很蹩脚,不推荐。