Design for Hackers

书名:Design for HackersReverseEngineeringBeauty
豆瓣评分: 7.5


Discover the techniques behind beautiful design?by deconstructing designs to understand them The term ?hacker? has been redefined to consist of anyone who has an insatiable curiosity as to how things work?and how they can try to make them better. This book is aimed at hackers of all skill levels and explains the classical principles and techniques behind beautiful designs by deconstructing those designs in order to understand what makes them so remarkable. Author and designer David Kadavy provides you with the framework for understanding good design and places a special emphasis on interactive mediums. You?ll explore color theory, the role of proportion and geometry in design, and the relationship between medium and form. Packed with unique reverse engineering design examples, this book inspires and encourages you to discover and create new beauty in a variety of formats. Breaks down and studies the classical principles and techniques behind the creation of beautiful design Illustrates cultural and contextual considerations in communicating to a specific audience Discusses why design is important, the purpose of design, the various constraints of design, and how today?s fonts are designed with the screen in mind Dissects the elements of color, size, scale, proportion, medium, and form Features a unique range of examples, including the graffiti in the ancient city of Pompeii, the lack of the color black in Monet?s art, the style and sleekness of the iPhone, and more By the end of this book, you?ll be able to apply the featured design principles to your own web designs, mobile apps, or other digital work.


David Kadavy

Kadavy公司总裁,兼500 Startups种子基金导师。Kadavy公司提供用户界面设计咨询服务,客户包括oDesk、PBworks和UserVoice等。早先,David曾领导过两家硅谷创业公司和一家建筑公司的设计部门,在大学教授过印刷课程。在爱荷华州立大学攻读平面设计专业美术学士学位期间,他曾在罗马学习古代印刷术。Communication Arts杂志刊登过他的设计作品,他曾在South by Southwest(SXSW)互动大会上做过演讲。你可以访问,阅读其关于设计和创业的文章,也可在Twitter上通过关注@kadavy,或借由david@kadavy.net与他联系。


@ 大罗 tech and culture , composition : reading direction , guiding the eye with composition , foreground /background relationship. design principles : dominance , similarity , rhythm , texture , direction , contrast , @ Jimmie 主要是讲色彩,字体,还有一些版式设计的基本原则。但没有讲到具体的UI设计。 @ 岁月如梭 还是有用的,好多东西都是追踪溯源的,有点无聊,没有兴趣 @ Nova 最近读的第二本设计书,比起Designing Products People Love,这本更全面,也更基础。


  • 若要真正善于设计某样事物,就必须懂得它的运作方式。你必须理解自己所要创造事物的本质,别人会如何感知它,以及如何运用手中的工具来实现心中所想。否则,你并不是在设计,而只是在制造一个徒有其表的外壳,像小女孩那样画小马。你可别只会画小马呀。
    —— 引自第5页
  • 2.3 视觉设计有时是产品优势苹果向消费者展示了自己创造出了多么伟大的产品,通过建立这种信任,苹果开始销售越来越多的个人电脑,市场占有率提高了两倍。苹果惊人的数字音乐销售成绩已经杀死了一大批音乐商店。2010年10月,苹果推出了闪存存储的 Macbook Air,最终彻底杀死了 CD 唱片。
    —— 引自第12页
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