Dealing in Desire

书名:Dealing in DesireAsianAscendancy,WesternDecline,andtheHiddenCurrenciesofGlobalSexWork
豆瓣评分: 9.0


This captivating ethnography explores Vietnam’s sex industry as the country ascends the global and regional stage. Over the course of five years, author Kimberly Kay Hoang worked at four exclusive Saigon hostess bars catering to diverse clientele: wealthy local Vietnamese and Asian businessmen, Viet Kieus (ethnic Vietnamese living abroad), Western businessmen, and Western budget-tourists. Dealing in Desire takes an in-depth and often personal look at both the sex workers and their clients to show how Vietnamese high finance and benevolent giving are connected to the intimate spheres of the informal economy. For the domestic super-elite who use the levers of political power to channel foreign capital into real estate and manufacturing projects, conspicuous consumption is a means of projecting an image of Asian ascendancy to potential investors. For Viet Kieus and Westerners who bring remittances into the local economy, personal relationships with local sex workers reinforce their ideas of Asia’s rise and Western decline, while simultaneously bolstering their diminished masculinity. Dealing in Desire illuminates Ho Chi Minh City’s sex industry as not just a microcosm of the global economy, but a critical space where dreams and deals are traded.


Kimberly Kay Hoang is Assistant Professor of Sociology and the College at the University of Chicago.


@ 温泉蛋 作为non-fiction读是很可读的 但是得了那么多奖的学术书籍 其实是比较糟糕的 喜欢用一些复杂的她没有理解的短语(global-economic upward mobility, a world order where the west dominates global financescapes) 理论也有一些有趣的概念(Asian ascendancy and Western decline) 但是完全没有论证 失望 @ 冰湖守夜人 …Men based these assertions of white sexual superiority on the assumption that Vietnamese men had smaller penises and were sexually inhibited. By racially castrating Vietnamese men through stereotypes of penis size and libido, Western men conjured up stereotypes of racialized sexual relations between themselves and Vietnamese women… @ 叶冰冰 佩服作者。走在刀尖上的人类学家。 @ 四不像 民族志的魅力。 @ Clymene 对于性别气质的剖析非常有趣,描述了masculinity based on multi factors。涉及到戈夫曼、福柯、泽利泽的理论较多。但关于全球经济这个维度着墨不多,而这又是一个很重要的概念,让我感觉不太透彻,希望有更多关于经济方面理论框架的讨论。 @ At'3n?a;@ 🙁 @ Xiu 第一回自己组织读书会,很宝贵的经历,纵然伴随着不尽如人意之处。比较富有拓展个案法韵味的民族志作品,田野之扎实令人敬佩,文笔上也富有启迪:作者的理论脉络相当广博,不过她会以润物细无声地方式将之埋伏在对田野材料的组织与陈述中。

Acknowledgments ix
Introduction: Dealing in Desire 1
1 Sex Work in HCMC, 1867–Present 26
2 The Contemporary Sex Industry 39
3 New Hierarchies of Global Men 53
4 Entrepreneurial Mommies 78
5 Autonomy and Consent in Sex Work 104
6 Constructing Desirable Bodies 126
7 Sex Workers’ Economic Trajectories 154
Conclusion: Faltering Ascent 173
Appendix: The Empirical Puzzle and
the Embodied Cost of Ethnography 181
Notes 197
Bibliography 209
Index 223
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