Communicating Design

书名:Communicating DesignDevelopingWebSiteDocumentationforDesignandPlanning


Successful web design teams depend on clear communication between developers and their clients–and among members of the development team. Wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other design diagrams establish a common language so designers and project teams can capture ideas, track progress, and keep their stakeholders informed. In this all new edition of Communicating Design, author and information architect Dan Brown defines and describes each deliverable, then offers practical advice for creating the documents and using them in the context of teamwork and presentations, independent of methodology. Whatever processes, tools, or approaches you use, this book will help you improve the creation and presentation of your wireframes, site maps, flow charts, and other deliverables. The book now features: *An improved structure comprising two main sections: Design Diagrams and Design Deliverables. The first focuses on the nuts and bolts of design documentation and the second explains how to pull it all together.* New deliverable: design briefs, as well as updated advice on wireframes, flow charts, and concept models.* More illustrations, to help designers understand the subtle variations and approaches to creating design diagrams.*Reader exercises, for those lonely nights when all you really want to do is practice creating wireframes, or for use in workshops and classes.*Contributions from industry leaders: Tamara Adlin, Stephen Anderson, Dana Chisnell, Nathan Curtis, Chris Fahey, James Melzer, Steve Mulder, Donna Spencer, and Russ Unger. "As an educator, I have looked to Communicating Design both as a formal textbook and an informal guide for its design systems that ultimately make our ideas possible and the complex clear." –Liz Danzico, from the Foreword



@ 夕 A little bit out-dated to certain extend @ 虾叔 也就找到这一本专门讲设计文档与交付物的书. 正好回去把现在的产品文档都再修改修改. @ mabinogiblue 可操作性非常强 @ 香蒲 design diagrams ( personas , concept models , site maps, flowcharts , wireframes ); design deliverables (design briefs , competitive reviews , usability plans , usability reports ); @ Chaconne 是本极好的指导如何写design deliverables的工具书,非常详细具体,解决了我之前的很多困惑 @ Chaconne 是本极好的指导如何写design deliverables的工具书,非常详细具体,解决了我之前的很多困惑 @ 香蒲 design diagrams ( personas , concept models , site maps, flowcharts , wireframes ); design deliverables (design briefs , competitive reviews , usability plans , usability reports ); @ mabinogiblue 可操作性非常强 @ 虾叔 也就找到这一本专门讲设计文档与交付物的书. 正好回去把现在的产品文档都再修改修改. @ 夕 A little bit out-dated to certain extend


  • 提供了一种有效的、易于理解的方式来描述用户需求,使涉众在讨论用户时有了共同的语言。
    —— 引自章节:第二章 人物角色
  • 如下场景就描述了一幅目标受众使用银行系统的画面“Sarah是一名大学新生,这是她第一次申请支票账目。她只知道自己的身份证号码,但对其他信息一无所知。她明天想去趟银行,告诉他们自己想开哪种支票账户。”下面这一场景虽然描述的也很准确,但是没有建立太多的背景信息:“Sarah是名大学生,她想开个支票账户”
    —— 引自章节:第二章 人物角色
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