书名:China in Ten Words
豆瓣评分: 8.1
From one of China’s most acclaimed writers, his first work of nonfiction available in English: a unique, intimate look at the Chinese experience over the last thirty years, told through personal stories and astute analysis that sharply illuminate his country’s meteoric transformation. Framed by ten phrases common in the Chinese vernacular—“people,” “leader,” “reading,” “writing,” “Lu Xun” (the name of one of the most influential Chinese writers of the twentieth century), “disparity,” “revolution,” “grassroots,” “copycat,” and “bamboozle”—China in Ten Words reveals as never before the world’s most populous yet misunderstood nation. “Disparity” illustrates the mind-boggling economic gaps that separate Chinese citizens. “Copycat” depicts the escalating trends of piracy and imitation as a creative new form of revolutionary action. And “Bamboozle” describes the increasingly brazen practices of trickery, fraud, and chicanery that are, Yu Hua suggests, becoming a way of life at every level of society. Characterized by Yu Hua’s trademark wit, insight, and courage, China in Ten Words is a refreshingly candid vision of the “Chinese miracle” and all its consequences, from the singularly invaluable perspective of a writer—among China’s most influential—living in China today.
Yu Hua is the author of four novels, six collections of stories, and three essay collections. In 2002, he became the first Chinese writer to win the James Joyce Foundation Award. His novel Brothers was short-listed for the Man Asian Prize and awarded France’s Prix Courrier International, and To Live was awarded Italy’s Premio Grinzane Cavour. Yu Hua lives in Beijing.
@ 謐辻 The Chinese edition disappeared… @ 风车太太 感觉翻译得很好。写了很多发生在文革啊、所谓的“三年自然灾害”期间的故事,看着真是心酸,也恨,难怪在国内被禁了。看到后头觉得这10个字有点牵强,也可能是我自己没体会到人家的深意吧。。。。 @ sonatanegra Ian. 当时看的这本,现在想来中文确实是叫十个词汇里的中国。哈哈 @ 草心馄饨 刚开始读的时候因为作者的一些亲身经历(尤其是文革)觉得有意思,到后面便越发平庸,逻辑不清晰,观点不独到,例子选取没有新(心)意,乏善可陈了。对于外国人可以作为了解当代中国的入门读物吧。 @ 弯弯 What vivid stories that tie the past to the present, revealing the national spirit of absurdity and frenzy and that we've inherited @ rini? 這個世界上可能再也沒有比疼痛感更容易使人們互相溝通了,因為疼痛感的溝通之路是從人們內心深處眼神出來的。了解了余华,最近莫名在读很多历史方面的书还有信息,各方信源交叉在一起。 @ 余华写了一个很符合外国人口味的猎奇读物 @ Seb's 叹为观止。 @ 泡利矩阵 作者在几件事情中的视角,几个词汇总结得挺贴切的,可以作为标签,人民确实让人感动,但那之后稳定了几十年的发展,很难判断是与非 @ 玛雅殇喾 实际上看的是母语版本,标注在这里的原因是因为没有词条。想看自然可以找到,可我不能多说,说多了万一这一条也看不见了呢?嗯。