
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Starting from scratch, simply by picking stocks and companies for investment, Warren Buffett amassed one of the epochal fortunes of the 20th century — an astounding net worth of $10 billion and counting. That awesome record has made him a cult figure. This illuminating biography reveals a man whose conscientiousness, integrity, and good humor exist alongside an odd emotional isolation. Buffett also masterfully traces his life: his enormously successful partnership; his early, inspired investments in American Express and Geico; his companionship and investment with Katharine Graham of the Washington Post; his role in the Capital Cities purchase of ABC; his unique relationship with his wife and mistress; and his rescue of the scandal-ridden Salomon Brothers.


Roger Lowenstein, a financial journalist, reported for the Wall Street Journal for more than a decade, including two years writing its Heard on the Street column, 1989 to 1991.

He has written for many other publications, including Smart Money, The New York Times and The New Republic.

Lowenstein has written three books, Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist (1995), When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management (2000), and Origins of the Crash (2004).

Since May 2005 he has been a contributing blogger at The Huffington Post.


@ 庄常飞 "The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."A very great story of a very great man.He has many similarities with the characters in Atlas Shrugged. @ 瑚琏大侠 The perfect example. @ 宝宝TWO 在人物传记里,已经算是文笔不错,我读的下去的了


  • Retrospectively, Buffett realized that textiles were a trap: Viewed individually, each company's capital investment decision appeared cost-effective and rational; viewed collectively, the decisions neutralized each other and were irrational (just as happens when each person watching a parade decides he can see a little better if he stands on tiptoes)….Buffett drew from this a broad maxim: a good manager was unlikely to overcome a bad business.
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  • 极力主张投资者们的注意力不要只放在大盘上,而要放在股票背后的企业自身的成长性上。通过关注一个企业的盈利能力、资产状况、未来盈利预期等基本面因素,投资者可以对一家上市公司的“内在价值”有一个准确的判断。巨额的利润变成同样巨大的损失,新的理论不断推陈出新,之后又被证伪,无止境的乐观主义被深深的绝望所替代,所有这些都是亘古不变的人性常理。
    —— 引自第31页
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