书名:Bit by BitSocialResearchintheDigitalAge
豆瓣评分: 9.4
An innovative and accessible guide to doing social research in the digital age In just the past several years, we have witnessed the birth and rapid spread of social media, mobile phones, and numerous other digital marvels. In addition to changing how we live, these tools enable us to collect and process data about human behavior on a scale never before imaginable, offering entirely new approaches to core questions about social behavior. Bit by Bit is the key to unlocking these powerful methods―a landmark book that will fundamentally change how the next generation of social scientists and data scientists explores the world around us. Bit by Bit is the essential guide to mastering the key principles of doing social research in this fast-evolving digital age. In this comprehensive yet accessible book, Matthew Salganik explains how the digital revolution is transforming how social scientists observe behavior, ask questions, run experiments, and engage in mass collaborations. He provides a wealth of real-world examples throughout, and also lays out a principles-based approach to handling ethical challenges in the era of social media. Bit by Bit is an invaluable resource for social scientists who want to harness the research potential of big data and a must-read for data scientists interested in applying the lessons of social science to tomorrow’s technologies. Illustrates important ideas with examples of outstanding research Combines ideas from social science and data science in an accessible style and without jargon Goes beyond the analysis of “found” data to discuss the collection of “designed” data such as surveys, experiments, and mass collaboration Features an entire chapter on ethics Includes extensive suggestions for further reading and activities for the classroom or self-study
Matthew J. Salganik is professor of sociology at Princeton University, where he is also affiliated with the Center for Information Technology Policy and the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning. His research has been funded by Microsoft, Facebook, and Google, and has been featured on NPR and in such publications as the New Yorker, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.
Computational Social Science (Soc 596), Fall 2016
These are the public course materials for Computational Social Science (SOC 596), Fall 2016. This course was taught by Matthew J. Salganik at Princeton University. Here's the cource webpage: http://www.princeton.edu/~mjs3/soc596_f2016/
@ 冰湖守夜人 很有意思的书。作者本人是工作在一线的计算社科学者,对计算社科的现状和前景有一个非常高层次的俯瞰和总结,很好解释了“为什么计算社科不只是大数据量+高计算能力的单维提升”的问题。在数据科学infrastructure不断改进的现在,数据科学在社会领域的应用已经接近了量变到质变的临界点。此书目前已有中文本。 @ 堪寻 感谢师门读书会 @ Steppenwolf Bible of computational social science @ 海绵宝宝 写的比较简洁,例子并不多。做入门的书不错 @ 你可不要说谎 很好读,落脚点还是研究设计,为初来乍到者尽力扫除各种障碍,案例取材也不局限于社科研究。书名取social research in the digital age比computational social science 妥帖,中文版直接叫计算社会学让人期待有偏差,但也是中信的基操了。 @ 质言之 非常好的教材!虽然单个观点不算多特别,但胜在系统全面,研究建议的可操作性强 @ Steppenwolf Bible of computational social science