书名:Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
豆瓣评分: 8.2
Everything you need to know about modern physics, the universe and our place in the world in seven enlightening lessons 'Here, on the edge of what we know, in contact with the ocean of the unknown, shines the mystery and the beauty of the world. And it's breathtaking' These seven short lessons guide us, with simplicity and clarity, through the scientific revolution that shook physics in the twentieth century and still continues to shake us today. In this beautiful and mind-bending introduction to modern physics, Carlo Rovelli explains Einstein's theory of general relativity, quantum mechanics, black holes, the complex architecture of the universe, elementary particles, gravity, and the nature of the mind. In under eighty pages, readers will understand the most transformative scientific discoveries of the twentieth century and what they mean for us. Not since Richard Feynman's celebrated best-seller Six Easy Pieces has physics been so vividly, intelligently and entertainingly revealed.
Carlo Rovelli, an Italian theoretical physicist, is the head of the quantum gravity group at the Centre de Physique Théorique of Aix-Marseille Université and an affiliated professor in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh. He is one of the founders of the loop quantum gravity theory. Rovelli lives in Marseille, France.
@ pluskid 看這本是因為看了The Order of Time——Rovelli真的很會寫。這本裡面印象最深刻的就是把熱力學第二定律與簡單的概率學聯繫起來:熱量從熱的物體‘流’到冷的物體上,僅僅是因為這種情況更可能發生。第六課基本就是講The Order of Time前半本書的論點:時間的存在是我們的無知所致,時間並不是一個objective ‘thing’。好喜歡最後一章總結,‘We are the source of amazement in our own eyes.’能理解為什麼有人不喜歡Rovelli,把物理寫成這樣,對一些人來說的確可能缺少美感,甚至有點弄虛作假。但他的idea和對idea的formulation真的讓我很感動和喜歡。一個神經科學學生的物理夢! @ Ev 太喜欢这本轻松可爱的物理小书了。高中的时候不喜欢物理,所有知识都只是为了应付考试硬着头皮学,现在回过头来看其实错过了不少可以拓宽自己认知的机会。在大学和研究生读了很多社会学、政治学和哲学之后,兜兜转转又回头拾起了物理,这才体会到它的美妙。阅读体验实在太过于妙不可言。 @ 江湖骗子 搜索了热和时间的科普,还是不知所以然。可能大脑已经飞向宇宙。人类追求真理的过程是曲折艰难的,有时需要付出生命的代价,即使自己无法目睹。人类是大自然的一部分,人类是那么渺小。“We follow leads in order to better describe this world” Ps.哲学真是无处不在