书名:Think Like a MonkTrainYourMindforPeaceandPurposeEveryDay
豆瓣评分: 7.4
Jay Shetty, social media superstar and host of the #1 podcast On Purpose, distills the timeless wisdom he learned as a monk into practical steps anyone can take every day to live a less anxious, more meaningful life. When you think like a monk, you’ll understand: -How to overcome negativity -How to stop overthinking -Why comparison kills love -How to use your fear -Why you can’t find happiness by looking for it -How to learn from everyone you meet -Why you are not your thoughts -How to find your purpose -Why kindness is crucial to success -And much more… Shetty grew up in a family where you could become one of three things—a doctor, a lawyer, or a failure. His family was convinced he had chosen option three: instead of attending his college graduation ceremony, he headed to India to become a monk, to meditate every day for four to eight hours, and devote his life to helping others. After three years, one of his teachers told him that he would have more impact on the world if he left the monk’s path to share his experience and wisdom with others. Heavily in debt, and with no recognizable skills on his résumé, he moved back home in north London with his parents. Shetty reconnected with old school friends—many working for some of the world’s largest corporations—who were experiencing tremendous stress, pressure, and unhappiness, and they invited Shetty to coach them on well-being, purpose, and mindfulness. Since then, Shetty has become one of the world’s most popular influencers. In 2017, he was named in the Forbes magazine 30-under-30 for being a game-changer in the world of media. In 2018, he had the #1 video on Facebook with over 360 million views. His social media following totals over 38 million, he has produced over 400 viral videos which have amassed more than 8 billion views, and his podcast, On Purpose, is consistently ranked the world’s #1 Health and Wellness podcast. In this inspiring, empowering book, Shetty draws on his time as a monk to show us how we can clear the roadblocks to our potential and power. Combining ancient wisdom and his own rich experiences in the ashram, Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us. He transforms abstract lessons into advice and exercises we can all apply to reduce stress, improve relationships, and give the gifts we find in ourselves to the world. Shetty proves that everyone can—and should—think like a monk.
Jay Shetty is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, award-winning storyteller, podcast host, and former monk, dedicated to helping people train their mind for peace and purpose every day. In 2017, Forbes named him to their 30 Under 30 List for his game-changing impact in media. His viral videos have been viewed more than 10 billion times and he is followed by over 50 million people across social media. In 2019, Jay created On Purpose, now the world’s #1 Health and Wellness podcast. He’s been a keynote speaker around the world, invited to Google, Microsoft, Netflix and American Express, among many others. Over two million people have attended his Online School, and his Genius Coaching community provides weekly programming on health and wellness to thousands of members in over 100 countries.
@ 平原上的漫游者 怎么说呢,道理都懂,不看也懂。摊手。 @ Grey Grey 没读完,首页的一句话献词好,其他无感。 @ 奥德赛 29 @ HollyRen 其实我一般对这样类似鸡汤的书无感的,但我觉得这些里面很多东西都很有道理啊。人确实应该自我一点,多专注在自己身上,在乎别人干嘛啊。而且那些关于negativity的东西也很有道理。我的反思就是在抱怨吐槽别人的同时,真是把自己拉得比那人还低。真的,去他丫的,管他做甚。 @ 李芃 今年读过的最烂的书 @ HollyRen hmmm 有些东西觉得说得还不错,但总觉得是披着一层禅修的外衣然后告诉你好好做个社会人。不过里面说的一点很在理,就是你对别人的任何态度有一天总会以不一样的形式回到你身上,当你对别人鄙夷,轻视,妒忌,猜疑,愤怒,或者任何不好的情绪,这些都会回到你身上,反之亦然。还有他说的其实charity并没有giver和receiver,只是你将东西还给了earth,也算体会到了一点无相布施吧。 @ what if i was 对我来说是一本很值得推荐的书。这本书让我最为受益的就是Jay带着我去客观的评判我自己。正念。是这本书最重要的思想。人活在世界上很多时候都会“get attached“,但是你要知道你永远不会限定在某一个当下、也不曾拥有任何。于是。感恩。放下。也就理所当然了。最后,Reframe,你可以选择快乐还是悲伤。这视乎于你怎么看待问题。Be a positive happy person. @ OliviA__透明控 还好是audible 走在路上/等车/排队这种时候听完的 不然我估计会觉得更不值得花这么多时间……对于已经有比较强大的自我人格构建 认知和维护的人来说 内容乏善可陈 不过即使听一遍也会是提醒自己再审视一遍自我和生活的(我果然不适合大网红写的self help类书籍 比我想象的还鸡汤… @ Engallen Jay Shatty太红了,对于太红的人,我都有偏见,感觉像邪教,尤其他也没有心理学方面的教育背景。但是男朋友挑战我,没读过怎么知道好不好,于是听了有声书,终于理解他为什么那么红了,还是有点干货的,他对于人生,人性的理解和认识,还是比较深刻的,意外地是他也不傲慢,讲得道理都挺容易让人接受的。
1. IDENTITY – I am what I think I am
2. NEGATIVITY – The evil king goes hungry
3. FEAR – Welcome to Hotel Earth
4. INTENTION – Blinded by the Gold
5. PURPOSE – The nature of the Scorpion
6. ROUTINE – Location has energy; time has memory
7. THE MIND – The Charioteer’s Dilemma
8. EGO – Catch me if you can
9. GRATITUDE: The world’s most powerful drug
10. RELATIONSHIPS – People watching
11. SERVICE – Plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit
Appendix: The Vedic Personality Test
Author’s Note
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