书名:The Soul of CareTheMoralEducationofaHusbandandaDoctor
豆瓣评分: 8.9
A moving memoir and an extraordinary love story that shows how an expert physician became a family caregiver and learned why care is so central to all our lives and yet is at risk in today’s world. When Dr. Arthur Kleinman, an eminent Harvard psychiatrist and social anthropologist, began caring for his wife, Joan, after she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, he found just how far the act of caregiving extended beyond the boundaries of medicine. In The Soul of Care: The Moral Education of a Husband and a Doctor, Kleinman delivers a deeply humane and inspiring story of his life in medicine and his marriage to Joan, and he describes the practical, emotional and moral aspects of caretaking. He also writes about the problems our society faces as medical technology advances and the cost of health care soars but caring for patients no longer seems important. Caregiving is long, hard, unglamorous work–at moments joyous, more often tedious, sometimes agonizing, but it is always rich in meaning. In the face of our current political indifference and the challenge to the health care system, he emphasizes how we must ask uncomfortable questions of ourselves, and of our doctors. To give care, to be “present” for someone who needs us, and to feel and show kindness are deep emotional and moral experiences, enactments of our core values. The practice of caregiving teaches us what is most important in life, and reveals the very heart of what it is to be human. “This is the story that may offer instruction and comfort to the 40 million family caregivers in the United States, and inspiration to clinicians struggling to go beyond diagnosis and treatment—to provide care.” —The Washington Post “The Soul of Care is important. Its significance goes beyond medicine.” —New York Journal of Books “Kleinman sensitively weaves the story of his late wife Joan’s early-onset Alzheimer’s disease with frank commentary on the decay of personalized patient care in this clear-eyed memoir…. Kleinman’s accessible discussion of patient care should appeal to a broad range of readers.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “[Kleinman] reminds us of the moral responsibility to provide care and describes care as the “human glue” which binds together families and communities. Beyond this connection, he contends that individual caregivers can discover purpose, revelation, and gratification in tending to others. Much more than a sad story about suffering, loss, and an inevitably downhill disease, Kleinman’s graceful narrative provides the sort of tonic that society sorely needs.” —Booklist (starred review) “The Soul of Care will leave you shakenbut instructed, with an ethical imperativeand hopeful lessons regarding howbest to cultivate one’s humanity overthe course of a lifetime.” —Paul Farmer, MD “An astute, affecting memoir, candid and prescriptive in equal measure.” —Stacy Schiff, Pulitzer Prize-winning author “What was at stake for Arthur in his caring for Joan was nothing short of his humanity. Read this book and prepare to be both humbled and inspired.” —Jim Yong Kim, Former President of the World Bank
Arthur Kleinman, MD, is one of the most renowned and influential scholars and writers on psychiatry, anthropology, global health, and c ultural issues in medicine. Educated at Stanford University and Stanford Medical School, he has taught at Harvard for over forty years. He is currently professor of psychiatry and of medical anthropology at Harvard Medical School and Esther and Sidney Rabb Professor of Anthropology in Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Having spent decades doing field research in China and Taiwan, he is also a leading expert on East Asia, and was the Victor and William Fung Director of Harvard’s Asia Center from 2008 to 2016. He is also the author of The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, and the Human Condition, now widely taught in medical schools. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
凯博文教授是世界一流的医疗人类学家,在文化精神病学、全球健康、社会医学等方面也享有重要地位。凯博文教授任教于哈佛大学文理学院人类学系,任该系Esther and Sidney Rabb人类学讲座教授,并在2004年至2007年间担任该系系主任;1999年至2000年间担任哈佛医学院社会医学系系主任;1993年至2002年间担任哈佛医学院 Maude andLillian Presley讲座教授。目前他是哈佛大学亚洲研究中心Victor and William Fung荣誉主任。
凯博文教授还是美国国家科学院医学院院士、美国国家文理学院院士。他担任世界卫生组织顾问,是精神卫生项目咨询委员会主任。曾获皇家人类学学院颁发的维康信托奖(Wellcome Prize),也被加拿大约克大学授予荣誉理学博士学位。2001年,他获美国人类学协会颁发的最高奖项 Franz Boas Award。他还是美国精神病学协会的荣誉终身会员。凯博文教授是哈佛大学亚洲中心及费正清东亚研究中心指导委员会委员,哈佛燕京学社咨询委员会委员,及哈佛新近创立的中国基金会指导委员会委员,院长咨询委员会社会科学组委员。他还是哈佛全球健康学院指导委员会委员,并任该委员会精神卫生部联合主席、文理学院常务委员会联合主席。
2006年,凯博文获美国医学人类学协会终身成就奖,2008年获该协会颁发的乔治福斯特奖(George Foster Award)。 2004年,英国曼彻斯特大学为表彰其在医学人文领域的贡献,授予他道布尔戴奖(Doubleday Medal)。2007年获伦敦帝国理工大学颁发的医学人文奖。他被美国政府任命为美国国立卫生院Fogarty国际中心咨询委员会委员。2003年,他任国立卫生院新先锋奖(New Pioneer Awards)筛选委员会主席。 2007年任美国全国卫生研究院(NIH)咨询委员会委员。
@ seren 这本书是小蓟提到以后,我找来听的。前一半我觉得非常拖拉,作者讲自己的家庭、在中国的经历、职业发展,都让我觉得特别空泛,我固然非常同意他对医疗护理的看法(不仅仅是医学科学,还需要有人性关怀),但并没有听到什么独到见解或者动人事例,都是特别高层和概括的叙述和观点,听得我非常不耐烦。里面讲他自己职业发展的部分,甚至让我微微地觉得“也太我我我了吧”?但后一半他讲自己照顾失智老妻的部分倒是挺感人的,而且里面非常多具体的事例,和独特的挑战都是没有亲身经历的人无法体验的。这本书也让我意识到,年轻和中年伴侣哪怕感情深厚,但因为身体健康,生活忙碌,作风独立,实际很少有机会学习照顾对方,但到老来这些却非常重要。所以我听完以后立刻要求某人嘘寒问暖无微不至都学起来! @ 蓟川 看完以后最打动我的是作者的人格魅力。职业生涯之中,他一直在想怎么才能把caregiving做到最好,怎样做才是对病人健康真正有帮助的。比如他在亚洲治疗得了霍乱的小孩,扎输液针头时孩子的母亲大吵大闹,普通的医生会认为母亲是在无理取闹,明明是我救了你家孩子你还不感谢我。但作者却会反思这种违背了病人宗教信仰和家属意愿的举动是否真的正确,是否展示了一种医生天然的“优越感”,是否还有改进之处。他对于医护工作的投入和热爱,其实对于每份职业的从业者来说都是共通的。他是真正热爱自己的工作,而不是在完成任务。另外,还对老婆那么好。看他说自己精神崩溃很想冲上去安慰他。 @ Ma Jolie “The soul is who we are in an existential sense of what we mean to ourselves and others, what we stand for, what we do. Caring involves work on the soul: that of the caregiver and also the receive of care. This is what I have alluded to as cultivation of the self and of one's relationship."(p.244) @ 绿夕 “The soul is who we are in an existential sense of what we mean to ourselves and others, what we stand for, what we do. Caring involves work on the soul: that of the caregiver and also the receive of care. This is what I have alluded to as cultivation of the self and of one's relationship."(p.244) @ 沙帷 这本书可以算是Arthur的自传,从自身学术从医经历中对照顾的理解,到成为一个身体力行照顾患病妻子Joan。他对的照顾的描述逐渐从学术的领域,变成让人容易忽略的具体又单调的日常。而照顾本身就是身体力行日复一日的实践。照顾中爱、愧疚、无助、和沮丧总羁绊在一起,让人痛苦也让人成长。而是Joan,让Arthur成为一个更懂照顾的人。我想,他们之间一定是一段很美好的爱与照顾。其中有一句犹太谚语让我很触动, “When a parent helps a child, both laugh, but when a child helps a parent, both cry.” @ 糖罐子 读到最后读的很痛苦很难过很感动。结合自身的学术经历以及后来切身照顾患有阿兹海默症的妻子的个人体悟而写就。后来妻子的整个状态让我想到井上靖写照顾母亲的手记,以及根据门罗小说改编的《柳暗花明》:年青的时候我们总以为自己经历过很残酷的东西,后来老了之后我们才发现与我们当下所要面对的,过往多么不值一提。