The Power of Moments

书名:The Power of MomentsWhyCertainExperiencesHaveExtraordinaryImpact
豆瓣评分: 8.9


The New York Times bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick explore why certain brief experiences can jolt us and elevate us and change us—and how we can learn to create such extraordinary moments in our life and work. While human lives are endlessly variable, our most memorable positive moments are dominated by four elements: elevation, insight, pride, and connection. If we embrace these elements, we can conjure more moments that matter. What if a teacher could design a lesson that he knew his students would remember twenty years later? What if a manager knew how to create an experience that would delight customers? What if you had a better sense of how to create memories that matter for your children? This book delves into some fascinating mysteries of experience: Why we tend to remember the best or worst moment of an experience, as well as the last moment, and forget the rest. Why “we feel most comfortable when things are certain, but we feel most alive when they’re not.” And why our most cherished memories are clustered into a brief period during our youth. Readers discover how brief experiences can change lives, such as the experiment in which two strangers meet in a room, and forty-five minutes later, they leave as best friends. (What happens in that time?) Or the tale of the world’s youngest female billionaire, who credits her resilience to something her father asked the family at the dinner table. (What was that simple question?) Many of the defining moments in our lives are the result of accident or luck—but why would we leave our most meaningful, memorable moments to chance when we can create them? The Power of Moments shows us how to be the author of richer experiences.


Chip Heath is a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching courses on strategy and organizations. He has helped over 450 startups hone their business strategy and messages. He lives in Los Gatos, California. Chip and his brother Dan have written three New York Times bestselling books: Made to Stick, Switch, and Decisive. Their books have sold over two million copies worldwide and have been translated into thirty-three languages including Thai, Arabic, and Lithuanian. The Power of Moments is their most recent book.

Dan Heath is a senior fellow at Duke University’s CASE center, which supports entrepreneurs fighting for social good. He lives in Durham, North Carolina. Dan and his brother Chip have written three New York Times bestselling books: Made to Stick, Switch, and Decisive. Their books have sold over two million copies worldwide and have been translated into thirty-three languages including Thai, Arabic, and Lithuanian. The Power of Moments is their most recent book.


@ Ray 概念很好,但是一旦知道了,好像也就没有什么了,凑够一本书就显得不够。还是最喜欢decicive. @ daniel yu 有些瞬间让你充满荣耀,有些瞬间则给你带来影响一生的启示。我们在某种程度上是被一些瞬间所定义,也许人生的意义在于体验,而体验,是可以设计的。 @ sophieyamapi 关于创造experience,并不是工具软件以及数据分析能做到的,人的意识和思考才是决定性的环节。 @ 失控的前额叶 很多故事理论告诉你如何创造有defining moment的产品和服务,可是最重要的其实并不是刻意的去engineer moment…moment一直有,seize it. @ muzi Happy is a conscientious choice!! Do it for ourselves and the ppl around. @ tradeoff To defy the forgettable flatness of everyday work and life by creating a few precious moments. @ 每逢佳节胖四斤 看完會反思走過的每個特別時刻 @ Brucism 不得不吹下Heath兄弟讲故事的能力,把一本非虚构能写得如此精彩!记得《熊镇》中拉蒙娜说过:“体育带给我们的只有片刻。但是,彼得,人生除了片刻还剩下什么?”We live for moments! @ Sheryl 4.2 @ 2 油管 peak moments& ending ; not fixing problems


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