The Math of Life and Death

书名:The Math of Life and Death7MathematicalPrinciplesThatShapeOurLives


“A dizzying, dazzling debut.” —Nature “A welcome addition to the math-for-people-who-hate-math genre…All but the stubbornly innumerate will enjoy this amusing mathematical miscellany.” —Kirkus Reviews “Kit Yates is a brilliant explainer and storyteller. Perhaps most charming of all, his stories are a bit like Sherlock Holmes tales: mysteries whose solutions seem surprising and then elementary, once the clever reasoning behind them is revealed. I loved this book and learned something on every page.” —Steven Strogatz, professor of mathematics, Cornell University, and author of Infinite Powers and The Joy of X “Kit Yates shows how our private and social lives are suffused by mathematics. Ignorance may bring tragedy or farce. This is an exquisitely interesting book. It’s a deeply serious one too and, for those like me who have little math, it’s delightfully readable.” —Ian McEwan, author of Atonement “Kit Yates is a natural storyteller. Through fascinating stories and examples, he shows how math is the beating heart of so much of modern life. An exciting new voice in the world of science communication.” —Marcus du Sautoy, author of The Music of the Primes “Used wisely, mathematics can save your life. Used unwisely, it can ruin it. A lucid and enthralling account of why math matters in everyone’s life. A real eye-opener.” —Ian Stewart, author of In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World


Kit Yates is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and codirector of the Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Bath. He completed his PhD in mathematics at the University of Oxford in 2011. His research demonstrates that mathematics can be used to describe all sorts of real-world phenomena: from embryo formation to locust swarming and from sleeping sickness to egg-shell patterning. His research into mathematical biology has been covered by the BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph, the Daily Mail (London), RTE, Scientific American, and Reuters amongst others. Alongside his academic position, Kit is also an author and science communicator. The Math of Life and Death is his first book.


@ MackAFish 科普读本中写得挺不错的作品,可以给7颗星。大部分讨论的例子对于学过本科阶段概率论的小朋友来说应该都不陌生。最后一章关于数学在流行病学、公共卫生中的应用其实写得不错,但是这本书出版于 算這領域的入門書,但值得一翻 @ 吾往 浅显易懂, 也有意义的科普书. @ Yama Chen 算這領域的入門書,但值得一翻 @ MackAFish 科普读本中写得挺不错的作品,可以给7颗星。大部分讨论的例子对于学过本科阶段概率论的小朋友来说应该都不陌生。最后一章关于数学在流行病学、公共卫生中的应用其实写得不错,但是这本书出版于 浅显易懂, 也有意义的科普书.


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