The Infinite Game

书名:The Infinite Game
豆瓣评分: 7.4


n finite games, like football or chess, the players are known, the rules are fixed, and the endpoint is clear. The winners and losers are easily identified. In infinite games, like business or politics or life itself, the players come and go, the rules are changeable, and there is no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers in an infinite game; there is only ahead and behind. The more I started to understand the difference between finite and infinite games, the more I began to see infinite games all around us. I started to see that many of the struggles that organizations face exist simply because their leaders were playing with a finite mindset in an infinite game. These organizations tend to lag behind in innovation, discretionary effort, morale and ultimately performance. The leaders who embrace an infinite mindset, in stark contrast, build stronger, more innovative, more inspiring organizations. Their people trust each other and their leaders. They have the resilience to thrive in an ever-changing world, while their competitors fall by the wayside. Ultimately, they are the ones who lead the rest of us into the future. Any worthwhile undertaking starts with Why – the purpose, cause or belief that inspires us to do what we do and inspires others to join us. Good leaders know how to build Circles of Safety that promote trust and cooperation throughout their organizations. But that’s not enough to help us chart a course through the unpredictable, often chaotic landscape of today’s marketplace. I now believe that the ability to adopt an infinite mindset is a prerequisite for any leader who aspires to leave their organization in better shape than they found it.Age Range: Adult






@ hx 公司townhall听到有人提这本书 好奇看完了 理念是好的 long term view, just cause, do the right thing怎么说都是对的 大公司里挑出来好例子做proof也不难 但mkt看重的performance efficiency 不是所有公司都有一样的机会convince wall street 没上市的公司还灵活些 对patagonia大增 到个人层面 差不多就是growth mindset 有意思的是作者提到了他的worthy rival是adam grant 差距还是有些大的吧


  • "Winning" provides a temporary thrill of victory; an intense, but fleeting, boost to our self-confidence. None of us is able to hold on to the incredible feeling of accomplishment for that target we hit, promotion we earned or tournament we won a year ago. Those feelings have passed. To get that feelings gain, we need to try to win again. A Just Cause must be:- For something – affirmative and optimistic- Inclusive – open to all those who would like to contribute- Service oriented – for the primary benefit of others- Resilient – able to endure political, technological and cultural change- Idealist – big, bold and ultimately unbelievable
    —— 引自第33页
  • 校长们、老师们一旦觉得“我们已经知道”“一切尽在掌握”“只需按方培养”,有限游戏的大幕就开启了,而敢于承认“我们还不知道”“一切皆有可能”“成长千方各样”,无限思维才在敬畏和拥抱不确定性中登场。某种意义上,精神、创造、改变、解放意义上的“年轻”并不是按年龄来区分的,而应该是“无限思维”的代名词,这样的话,我们绝不能让校园中充满着年龄虽小却已不年轻的有限人。
    —— 引自章节:推荐序教育者亟待觉悟“无限”
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