The Hard Thing About Hard Things

书名:The Hard Thing About Hard ThingsBuildingaBusinessWhenThereAreNoEasyAnswers
豆瓣评分: 8.8


Ben Horowitz, cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz and one of Silicon Valley's most respected and experienced entrepreneurs, offers essential advice on building and running a startup—practical wisdom for managing the toughest problems business school doesn’t cover, based on his popular ben’s blog. While many people talk about how great it is to start a business, very few are honest about how difficult it is to run one. Ben Horowitz analyzes the problems that confront leaders every day, sharing the insights he’s gained developing, managing, selling, buying, investing in, and supervising technology companies. A lifelong rap fanatic, he amplifies business lessons with lyrics from his favorite songs, telling it straight about everything from firing friends to poaching competitors, cultivating and sustaining a CEO mentality to knowing the right time to cash in. Filled with his trademark humor and straight talk, The Hard Thing About Hard Things is invaluable for veteran entrepreneurs as well as those aspiring to their own new ventures, drawing from Horowitz's personal and often humbling experiences. 该内容由淘宝网乐读书屋提供


Ben Horowitz is the cofounder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm that invests in entrepreneurs building the next generation of leading technology companies. The firms investments include Airbnb, GitHub, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Previously Horowitz was cofounder and CEO of Opsware, formerly Loudcloud, which was acquired by Hewlett-Packard for $1.6 billion in 2007. Horowitz writes about his experiences and insights from his career as a computer science student, software engineer, cofounder, CEO, and investor in a blog that is read by nearly ten million people. He has also been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, New Yorker, Fortune, Economist, and Bloomberg Businessweek, among others. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area with his wife, Felicia.



@ lalachen VC投资人Horowitz借用亲身经历给予创业者不同于商学院教科书的建议。书中有实用性的一面,包括从策略到执行,从招聘到解雇。创业之难在于意志上的畏惧,和某些关口的不知所措。读到此书的初创者们应该可以找到情感上的慰藉和理性上的指导。其实这个世界也蛮公平的,最终会以某种方式来奖赏才华和隐忍坚持,也会以某种方式来惩罚狂妄自大和绝对的利己。读此书可以结合横向的从零到一,或者纵向的某些风投笔记,会更有所得。 @ Marni 年度最佳!“What am I not doing?” In the end, nobody cares; just run your company. Take care of the PEOPLE, the PRODUCT, and the PROFITS — in that order. Hire for strength rather than lack of weakness. COURAGE bar for building a company remains high. 2 Core skills for CEO: 1’ Knowing what to do; 2’ Getting the company to do what you know. 这才是做vc的profile吧 @ 小张同学 全书指代ceo和entrepreneur的第三人称代词都是her,这有什么特别用意吗难道。更有意思的是中文版翻译变成男性代词了。”remember that this is what separates the women from the girls.” 中文版的是“请记住这是区分男人和男孩的方法。” 看到一半看不下去了,前半部分有些启发,后半部分给ceo读的,对我不适用


Chapter 1: From Communist to Venture Capitalist
Chapter 2: “I Will Survive”
Chapter 3: This Time with Feeling
Chapter 4: When Things Fall Apart
The Struggle
CEOs Should Tell It Like It Is
The Right Way to Lay People Off
Preparing to Fire an Executive
Demoting a Loyal Friend
Lies That Losers Tell
Lead Bullets
Nobody Cares
Chapter 5: Take Care of the People, the Products, and the Profits—in That Order
A Good Place to Work
Why Startups Should Train Their People
Is It Okay to Hire People from Your Friend’s Company?
Why It’s Hard to Bring Big Company Execs into Little Companies
Hiring Executives: If You’ve Never Done the Job, How Do You Hire Somebody Good?
When Employees Misinterpret Managers
Management Debt
Management Quality Assurance
Chapter 6: Concerning the Going Concern
How to Minimize Politics in Your Company
The Right Kind of Ambition
Titles and Promotions
When Smart People Are Bad Employees
Old People
Programming Your Culture
Taking the Mystery Out of Scaling a Company
The Scale Anticipation Fallacy
Chapter 7: How to Lead Even When You Don’t Know Where You Are Going
The Most Difficult CEO Skill
The Fine Line Between Fear and Courage
Ones and Twos
Follow the Leader
Peacetime CEO/Wartime CEO
Making Yourself a CEO
How to Evaluate CEOs
Chapter 8: First Rule of Entrepreneurship: There Are No Rules
Solving the Accountability vs. Creativity Paradox
The Freaky Friday Management Technique
Staying Great
Should You Sell Your Company?
Chapter 9: The End of the Beginning
Appendix: Questions for Head of Enterprise Sales Force
About the Author
About the Publisher
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  • 每次我读到一本管理类或励志类书籍时,我总在想:“写得不错,可他们所说的还不是真正的难题。”真正的这些书存在的问题是,它们试图为无法可解的难题提供一个良方。但事实是,没有任何良方可以掌控错综复杂、变幻不定的局势,没有任何良方可以创建一家高新技术企业,没有任何良方可以带领一群人走出困境,没有任何良方可以制作出一系列热门金曲,任何 良方可以助你成为全国橄榄球联盟的四分卫,没有任何良方可以让你竞选上总统,也没有任何良方可以在你的生意衰落之时激励你的团队。这才是真正的难题所在——解决这些难题,没有任何公式套路可用。我的许多朋友、顾问以及我职业生涯中一直陪伴在我左右的家人给了我很多启发。同时,嘻哈音乐和说唱音乐也对我大有启发,因为嘻哈艺术家们既渴望成为艺术大师,也渴望成为当红偶像,他们视自己为创业者,其音乐中的很多主题,例如竞争、赚钱、被误解等,能让我们对一些难题有更深刻的理解。加入NetLabs公司对我而言是个极糟糕的决定。这家公司的经营者是安德烈·施瓦格尔——惠普公司的一位前高级主管,更重要的是,他是罗斯丽的丈夫。安德烈和罗斯丽是作为“专业管理团队”被风险资本家引进公司的。但不幸的是,二人对产品和技术知之甚少,一次又一次地使公司偏离正轨。我第一次明白创始人经营公司的重要性。我在创业公司工作对我的家庭而言成了一个很大的负担,因为我需要花更多时间待在家里。有一天,天气非常炎热,父亲过来看我们。我们用不起空调,在40多摄氏度的高温中,我和父亲坐在那里汗流浃背,三个孩子在哇哇大哭。父亲转向我,说:“儿子,你知道什么东西便宜吗?”我根本不清楚父亲在说什么,于是回答说:“不知道,是什么呢?”“鲜花。那你知道什么东西最贵吗?”他问。我仍旧回答:“不知道,是什么呢?”他说:“离婚。”这番玩笑话——其实并非真的玩笑话——令我意识到我已经白白消耗了太多时间。直到那一刻…
    —— 引自章节:第一章
  • 截止目前,我认为一个CEO最难以做到的,就是对自己内心的控制。组织设计、流程设计、指标设置以及人员安排都是相对简单的工作,对内在情绪的控制才是最艰难的。
    —— 引自第221页
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