书名:The Halo Effect.andtheEightOtherBusinessDelusionsThatDeceiveManagers
豆瓣评分: 8.1
Much of our business thinking is shaped by delusions — errors of logic and flawed judgments that distort our understanding of the real reasons for a company's performance. In a brilliant and unconventional book, Phil Rosenzweig unmasks the delusions that are commonly found in the corporate world. These delusions affect the business press and academic research, as well as many bestselling books that promise to reveal the secrets of success or the path to greatness. Such books claim to be based on rigorous thinking, but operate mainly at the level of storytelling. They provide comfort and inspiration, but deceive managers about the true nature of business success. The most pervasive delusion is the Halo Effect. When a company's sales and profits are up, people often conclude that it has a brilliant strategy, a visionary leader, capable employees, and a superb corporate culture. When performance falters, they conclude that the strategy was wrong, the leader became arrogant, the people were complacent, and the culture was stagnant. In fact, little may have changed — company performance creates a Halo that shapes the way we perceive strategy, leadership, people, culture, and more. Drawing on examples from leading companies including Cisco Systems, IBM, Nokia, and ABB, Rosenzweig shows how the Halo Effect is widespread, undermining the usefulness of business bestsellers from In Search of Excellence to Built to Last and Good to Great. Rosenzweig identifies nine popular business delusions. Among them: The Delusion of Absolute Performance: Company performance is relative to competition, not absolute, which is why following a formula can never guarantee results. Success comes from doing things better than rivals, which means that managers have to take risks. The Delusion of Rigorous Research: Many bestselling authors praise themselves for the vast amount of data they have gathered, but forget that if the data aren't valid, it doesn't matter how much was gathered or how sophisticated the research methods appear to be. They trick the reader by substituting sizzle for substance. The Delusion of Single Explanations: Many studies show that a particular factor, such as corporate culture or social responsibility or customer focus, leads to improved performance. But since many of these factors are highly correlated, the effect of each one is usually less than suggested. In what promises to be a landmark book, The Halo Effect replaces mistaken thinking with a sharper understanding of what drives business success and failure. The Halo Effect is a guide for the thinking manager, a way to detect errors in business research and to reach a clearer understanding of what drives business success and failure. Skeptical, brilliant, iconoclastic, and mercifully free of business jargon, Rosenzweig's book is nevertheless dead serious, making his arguments about important issues in an unsparing and direct way that will appeal to a broad business audience. For managers who want to separate fact from fiction in the world of business, The Halo Effect is essential reading — witty, often funny, and sharply argued, it's an antidote to so much of the conventional thinking that clutters business bookshelves.
罗森维(Phil Rosenzweig),瑞士洛桑国际管理学院(IMD)战略及国际管理教授。
目前已出版《国际管理:教程与案例》(International Management, Text and Cases)(合著)、《加速国际化成长》(Accelerating International Growth)(合著)等著作。
@ 泰洛丹 这本看了蛮久,核心观点:there's no formula for success. all searches on hand are using halo way or with halo data. success depends mainly on luck or chances. 精彩介绍各大名企跌宕起伏的发展。文字架构上同样repetition厉害。另外决定看下《good to gre… @ 容懂 看完以后,任何人都可以把市面上的商业书籍给批判得体无完肤。 @ crab canon The Halo Effect and the Delusions took up almost the whole book.Rosenzweig says careful attention to strategic decision making and excellent execution can lead to success. Learning to evaluate probabi… @ 烟花彩带圣火台 EMBA老师要求读的,主题思想就是别浪费钱买经济类书籍尤其是成功公司经验之类的。其实我本来也是不读那种的。。。 @ Lucas 《基于长青》《追求卓越》《第五项修炼》被高端黑了,不过讲的是事实,大家以后还是别随便崇拜某个outperformed的企业家和企业;critical thinking佳作,批判性通俗读物;对于欧洲百年的家族企业却没考虑到,或许人家所处行业比较稳定;不确定性应对和有效执行,算是作者核心 @ 泰洛丹 这本看了蛮久,核心观点:there's no formula for success. all searches on hand are using halo way or with halo data. success depends mainly on luck or chances. 精彩介绍各大名企跌宕起伏的发展。文字架构上同样repetition厉害。另外决定看下《good to gre… @ 布莱克特 critical thinking 不简单 @ Gentlenight 做研究中如果避免光环效应非常重要 做人的时候下结论亦然 @ ???????????? Clarify many delusions though I’ve already understood. The whole thing of business is about what is really realistic and how to empirically get things done. @ 佑扯 批判性的重新审视商业畅销书的研究逻辑谬误