书名:The FourTheHiddenDNAofAmazon,Apple,Facebook,andGoogle
豆瓣评分: 7.2
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER USA TODAY BESTSELLER Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are the four most influential companies on the planet. Just about everyone thinks they know how they got there. Just about everyone is wrong. For all that’s been written about the Four over the last two decades, no one has captured their power and staggering success as insightfully as Scott Galloway. Instead of buying the myths these companies broadcast, Galloway asks fundamental questions. How did the Four infiltrate our lives so completely that they’re almost impossible to avoid (or boycott)? Why does the stock market forgive them for sins that would destroy other firms? And as they race to become the world’s first trillion-dollar company, can anyone challenge them? In the same irreverent style that has made him one of the world’s most celebrated business professors, Galloway deconstructs the strategies of the Four that lurk beneath their shiny veneers. He shows how they manipulate the fundamental emotional needs that have driven us since our ancestors lived in caves, at a speed and scope others can’t match. And he reveals how you can apply the lessons of their ascent to your own business or career. Whether you want to compete with them, do business with them, or simply live in the world they dominate, you need to understand the Four.
Scott Galloway is a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, where he teaches brand strategy and digital marketing to second-year MBA students. A serial entrepreneur, he has founded nine firms, including L2, Red Envelope, and Prophet. In 2012, he was named one of the “World’s 50 Best Business School Professors” by Poets & Quants. His weekly YouTube series, “Winners and Losers,” has generated tens of millions of views. This is his first book.
@ 二十八戒 I especially like the chapter giving advice to young people. The AI chapter could have better arguments but it hits the point. @ 尘尘三昧 对Apple, Facebook和Google的解读特别有创造力和启发性:god, love&knowldge 作为人类永恒的追求反映在这些巨头的基因中。 @ GARGOYLE Some obsolete conservative tech amateur tempting to explain FAAG, a great reading for sarcastic hillbillies. A book full of tabloid gossips and bad jokes. Missed most, if not all core business strateg… @ Fay Interesting points. 作者对奢侈品,媒体是比较本行的,所以对amazon,apple点评最精彩,fb也有些亮点,google就不大行但是那段试图改组times集团的故事很有趣 @ 豆瓣兔 看了一小半,弃了,作为it业从业者,这些非专业人士讲的东西总是皮毛,大概念,触及不到精髓。还有脏话出现。同类型的硅谷帝国就深刻的多。 @ ValarMorghulis 讨厌作者… @ 英语书 这本书还不错 主要介绍互联网四大巨头兴起以及创业公司和创业人特质的 末尾还穿插写了还给出了个人发展建议 @ Henry 用T algorithm来判断the fifth horseman的两章提供了一定的方法论,除此之外两个建议follow your talent and loyal to people还不错,之后对于大公司弊端的分析也挺有道理,以及提到中产阶级的壮大是保持社会稳定发展的关键,其他的有点啰嗦 @ 熊 口水书,不值得一看。没深度 @ Defi 挺有趣, 作者在书中分析称,Amazon满足人类自古内建的采集者直觉,拥有的物质愈多,就愈 安心;Google成为人类共享的外接大脑,掌控知识产业,是现代人有求必应的神;Apple从大脑起家,连结对性的渴望,成为品味与财力的终极性感指标;Facebook串连人心,利用对爱的渴望掌握史上最庞大的个人数据库。
1. The Four
Who are these companies, and why write about them?
2. Amazon
How Amazon became the most disruptive firm in the largest company
3. Apple
Tech goes luxury
4. Facebook
Love is key to longevity – and great advertising
5. Google
Our modern-day god
6. Lie to Me
The Four and funny business
7. Business and the Body
All businesses appeal to one of three organs
8. The T Algorithm
What it takes to get to a trillion
9. The Fifth Horseman
Who will be next?
10. The Four and You
Follow your talent, not your passion
11. Yes, and Now What?
Where are the Four taking us?
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