书名:The Emperor of All MaladiesABiographyofCancer
豆瓣评分: 9.4
Starred Review. Mukherjee's debut book is a sweeping epic of obsession, brilliant researchers, dramatic new treatments, euphoric success and tragic failure, and the relentless battle by scientists and patients alike against an equally relentless, wily, and elusive enemy. From the first chemotherapy developed from textile dyes to the possibilities emerging from our understanding of cancer cells, Mukherjee shapes a massive amount of history into a coherent story with a roller-coaster trajectory: the discovery of a new treatment–surgery, radiation, chemotherapy–followed by the notion that if a little is good, more must be better, ending in disfiguring radical mastectomy and multidrug chemo so toxic the treatment ended up being almost worse than the disease. The first part of the book is driven by the obsession of Sidney Farber and philanthropist Mary Lasker to find a unitary cure for all cancers. (Farber developed the first successful chemotherapy for childhood leukemia.) The last and most exciting part is driven by the race of brilliant, maverick scientists to understand how cells become cancerous. Each new discovery was small, but as Mukherjee, a Columbia professor of medicine, writes, "Incremental advances can add up to transformative changes." Mukherjee's formidable intelligence and compassion produce a stunning account of the effort to disrobe the "emperor of maladies." (Nov.) (c) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Siddhartha Mukherjee is a cancer physician and researcher. He is an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and a staff cancer physician at the CU/NYU Presbytarian Hospital. A former Rhodes scholar, he graduated from Stanford University, University of Oxford (where he received a PhD studying cancer-causing viruses) and from Harvard Medical School. His laboratory focuses on discovering new cancer drugs using innovative biological methods. Mukherjee trained in cancer medicine at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute of Harvard Medical School and was on the staff at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He has published articles and commentary in such journals as Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, Neuron and the Journal of Clinical Investigation and in publications such as the New York Times and the New Republic. His work was nominated for Best American Science Writing, 2000 (edited by James Gleick). He lives in Boston and New York with his wife, Sarah Sze, an artist, and with his daughter, Leela.
@ Jacqueline_琳 都说文学就是人学,读完此书意识到医学也是人学。Mukherjee似乎特别擅长抓住科学研究发展与时代背景之间的关系,而刻画一个个人物时又入骨般有力。读到War on Cancer折射出的坚定的信念与空虚的狂热,读到禁烟运动与烟草公司斡旋的艰难曲折,读到在理解癌症的基因基础之路上的抽丝剥茧,总忍不住眼红鼻酸。然而同样让我印象深刻的是书中一个个的人,从Larger than life的化疗之父Farber到无数被癌症改变了人生的病人。疾病可以成为隐喻,正是在于疾病作为一个独特的透镜反射出的人性。 @ 小虎娘 a beautifully written, carefully weaved history of cancer — or, the war against cancer. While learning how sophisticated cancer as a disease is, we also learn how difficult it is for human egos to wrestle with one another. lesson learned: works done in labs are critical, but not enough to make a difference. Humanists esp need to keep this in mind @ Donald An useful and sombre read. @ + 流水账 我不否认作者对于癌症和人类整个斗争史的熟捻 或者至少说查阅资料的能力和耐心 但把事件从史书里面搬运成集可不算是什么好作品 虽然《明朝那些事》是高度压缩的史实 但我们至少从这些历史人物身上看到了值得思考的东西不是吗? 又是一本豆瓣过誉的书 @ 悖论入侵 A comprehensive history of cancer, which made me learn a lot. @ Itsuki 高三花了一学期读的 @ 无声深处 The cancer cell was a broken, deranged machine. Oncogenes were its jammed accelerators and inactivated tumor suppressors its missing brakes.
Author's Note xiii
Prologue 1
Part 1 "Of blacke cholor, without boyling" 9
Part 2 An Impatient War 105
Part 3 "Will you turn me out if I can't get better?" 191
Part 4 Prevention is the Cure 235
Part 5 "A Distorted Version of Our Normal Selves" 335
Part 6 The Fruits of Long Endeavors 393
Atossa's War 461
Acknowledgments 471
Notes 473
Glossary 533
Selected Bibliography 537
Photograph Credits 543
Index 545
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