The Color of Law

书名:The Color of LawAForgottenHistoryofHowOurGovernmentSegregatedAmerica
豆瓣评分: 9.0


In this groundbreaking history of the modern American metropolis, Richard Rothstein, a leading authority on housing policy, explodes the myth that America’s cities came to be racially divided through de facto segregation―that is, through individual prejudices, income differences, or the actions of private institutions like banks and real estate agencies. Rather, The Color of Law incontrovertibly makes clear that it was de jure segregation―the laws and policy decisions passed by local, state, and federal governments―that actually promoted the discriminatory patterns that continue to this day. Through extraordinary revelations and extensive research that Ta-Nehisi Coates has lauded as "brilliant" (The Atlantic), Rothstein comes to chronicle nothing less than an untold story that begins in the 1920s, showing how this process of de jure segregation began with explicit racial zoning, as millions of African Americans moved in a great historical migration from the south to the north. Through extraordinary revelations and extensive research that Ta-Nehisi Coates has lauded as "brilliant" (The Atlantic), Rothstein comes to chronicle nothing less than an untold story that begins in the 1920s, showing how this process of de jure segregation began with explicit racial zoning, as millions of African Americans moved in a great historical migration from the south to the north. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibited future discrimination but did nothing to reverse residential patterns that had become deeply embedded. Yet recent outbursts of violence in cities like Baltimore, Ferguson, and Minneapolis show us precisely how the legacy of these earlier eras contributes to persistent racial unrest. “The American landscape will never look the same to readers of this important book” (Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund), as Rothstein’s invaluable examination shows that only by relearning this history can we finally pave the way for the nation to remedy its unconstitutional past.


Richard Rothstein is a research associate of the Economic Policy Institute and a Fellow at the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. He lives in California, where he is a Fellow of the Haas Institute at the University of California–Berkeley.


@ yupian 快速阅读tip:前言,后记和FAQ囊括全书精华。作者带着进步的初衷从多个角度去说明Segregation是de jure 而非de facto,值得肯定。行文稍显枯燥,个别地方的论证有些草率和牵强。最让我失望甚至震惊的出现在FAQ里。多处回答依然透漏着潜意识的种族主义。例如建议设定一些奖励机制推动黑人搬去白人社区,因为这是政府在鼓励大家“除掉恶习”例如戒烟时的惯例。What a great analogy … @ 冬天 非常翔实了


  • 我们想消除居住种族隔离,已经等待得太久。当劳动力市场的歧视充分消退,大量非裔美国人可以进入中产阶级的时候,内城黑人社区之外的住房已经不是工人阶级或下层中产阶级家庭所能负担的了。种族隔离一旦形成,看似在种族问题上保持中立的政策就会加剧这一局面,使得补救越发困难。……甚至在政府停止明文推广种族隔离已达半个世纪之久的今天,暗中推行种族隔离的行为仍在继续,导致每年的补救行为都比上一年更难实施。
    —— 引自章节:第11章 向前看,向后看 209
  • 如果政府拒绝在种族隔离尚未生根发芽的城市建设种族隔离的公房,而是在整个城市开发分散、融合的住宅小区,这些城市的发展可能就没有那么大的种族毒性,也不会有这么多令人绝望的聚居区,而是有更多的多元化近郊住宅区。如果联邦政府没有强迫近郊住宅区采用排斥性的区划法规,就可以将白人群飞现象控制在最小范围内,因为奉行种族排斥的近郊住宅区很少,恐慌的业主没那么多地方可逃。如果政府告诉开发商,他们建造的住房必须面向所有人口开放才能拿到联邦住房管理局提供的保险,非裔美国人和白人均可受益,实行种族融合的工人阶级近郊住宅区可能也会随之逐渐成熟。如果某些社区因联合会规定和限制性契约条款而禁止非裔美国人居住时,州法院没有保护私人种族歧视行为,没有下令将非裔美国人业主驱逐出去,中产阶级非裔美国人在经济条件允许之后,也许就可以逐渐融入此前的白人社区。如果教堂、大学和医院推行限制性契约条款会失去免税待遇,他们很可能不会采取这样的行为。如果非裔美国人搬入曾经的白人社区时,警察可以逮捕群众暴动的领头人,而不是纵容他们,社区的种族过渡可能会更顺利。如果州房产委员会不给那些声称有“道德”义务实行种族隔离的房地产掮客发放执照,这些掮客可能会引领跨种族社区的发展。如果教育局没有通过设立学校、划定入学范围来确保黑人学生和白人学生的隔离,很多家庭可能就不会需要搬家才能让孩子有学可上。如果联邦和州的公路设计者没有利用城市州际公路来拆毁非裔美国人社区,迫使这些社区的居民在内城聚居区陷得更深,黑人的贫困状况可能会有所减缓,有些颠沛流离的家庭也许可以累积起足够的资源,改善住房,搬到更好的地段。如果政府在劳动力市场给予非裔美国人与其他市民同等的权利,非裔美国人工人阶级家庭就不会因为没钱搬到别的地方而一直困在低收入聚居区中。如果联邦政府没有利用自己在大都会地区设置的种族界限,在近郊住宅区独户住宅业主的税收减免方面花费…
    —— 引自章节:后记 253
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