The Buried

书名:The BuriedAnArchaeologyoftheEgyptianRevolution
豆瓣评分: 9.4


From the acclaimed author of River Town and Oracle Bones, an intimate excavation of life in one of the world's oldest civilizations at a time of convulsive change Drawn by an abiding fascination with Egypt's rich history and civilization, Peter Hessler moved with his wife and twin daughters to Cairo to explore a place that had a powerful hold over his imagination. He wanted to learn Arabic, explore Cairo's neighborhoods, research ancient history, and visit the legendary archeological digs. After years of covering China for The New Yorker, friends warned him it would be a much quieter place. But just before his arrival, the Arab Spring had reached Egypt and the country was in chaos. In the midst of the revolution, he attached himself to an important archeological dig at a site rich in royal tombs known in as al-Madfuna, or "The Buried." He and his wife set out to master Arabic, striking up an important friendship with their language instructor, a cynical political sophisticate named Rifaat. And a very different kind of friendship was formed with their garbage collector, an illiterate neighborhood character named Saaed, whose access to the trash of Cairo would be its own kind of archeological excavation. Along the way, he meets a family of Chinese small business owners who have cornered the nation's lingerie trade; their pragmatic view of the political crisis is a bracing counterpoint to the West's conventional wisdom. Through the lives of these ordinary Egyptians in a time of tragedy and heartache, while drawing connections between contemporary politics and the ancient past, Hessler creates a richly textured and original portrait of a revolution and the people swept up in it. Whether he's investigating the relics of pharaohs, the neighborhood trash that Saeed brings him, the Arabic vocabulary lists from Rifaat, or the Muslim Brotherhood documents left behind after mobs have looted their offices, Hessler finds subtle and illuminating insights to understand a nation from a new perspective. What emerges is a book of uncompromising intelligence and glorious humanity. Through the lives of Saeed and Rifaat, we encounter a land in which a weak state has collapsed but its underlying society remains painfully the same. The Buried is an extraordinary achievement that unearths a new world for the reader, one filled with unforgettable people who escape their context and become universal.


Peter Hessler is a staff writer at the New Yorker, where he served as Beijing correspondent from 2000-2007 and Cairo correspondent from 2011-2016. He is also a contributing writer for National Geographic. He is the author of River Town, which won the Kiriyama Book Prize, Oracle Bones, which was a finalist for the National Book Award, Country Driving, and Strange Stones. He won the 2008 National Magazine Award for excellence in reporting.


@ 七月不远 全书结构与何伟之前的作品相近,观察当下的同时还在追溯过去。许多有趣的细微洞察,是东方世界与何伟的西方视角发生碰撞而产生的。我非常好奇,何伟会如何书写美国。他是否会大量使用在中国和埃及习得的坐标系?作者有种冷幽默,看他的作品,我时常会发出爆笑。他这种独特的幽默感,我不曾在别的作家的作品里体验过。他总是能与身边的人缔结深厚的友情,我猜他一定是个善良细腻敏感温和的。几年前我痴迷于何伟的作品,幻想着能否读到他关于埃及的作品,但我绝不曾想过我会在几年后的美国东海岸的一个小镇上实现了我几乎忘却的愿望。现在,我又开始期待他的下一部作品了,我希望会是关于美国的。 @ FC 读着读着发现太像何伟之前的甲骨文,忍不住翻出甲骨文又看了一遍。重新开始读the buried时发现有有声书,而且是何伟本人亲自朗读,阿拉伯语发音听起来很标准。读罢依然是对有关埃及与中国的比较印象最深。 @ #Cathy# Almost cried.捡垃圾的Sayyid,同性恋者Manu,愤青的阿拉伯语老师Rifaat,混乱的体制,有语言天赋又有些天真愚昧苦中作乐的埃及群众,脚印遍布全球的中国商人,社会地位依旧未改变的埃及女性……有机会再读一遍。 @ PanzerA 作为21世纪前十年最敏锐的中国观察者,何伟的洞察力和幽默感依旧无可匹敌,将埃及革命浪潮里的小人物写得活灵活现,开罗的市井杂谈和上埃及的考古发掘相映成趣。尽管有年轻的人口和聪慧的人民,缺乏治理系统和公民素养的埃及社会仍无可救药地又陷入僵局中,一如古埃及的时间观: djet永恒与neheh轮回。 @ bernie 太好看了!阅读延续了中国系列的快感体验,希望何伟一直写下去 @ 河 @ BIOTD 谁看完了不想去埃及亲自走走看看 @ Tempy Kimo 依然是藏在理性、敏锐、幽默后面那位善良、温柔的Peter Hessler。unstructured authoritarianism is even worse than structured authoritarianism,简直能听见他写下这句时的长长叹息。以及,spiderweb大宅子的故事,人间奇幻,汗毛竖起。

Part One: The President
Part Two: The Coup
Part Three: The President
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