Head First SQL
Head First SQL is about RDBMS (databases) specifically mySQL (version 5.0 or newer) and includes features of other databases. The book defines a database, demonstrates how to navigate an existin...
Head First SQL is about RDBMS (databases) specifically mySQL (version 5.0 or newer) and includes features of other databases. The book defines a database, demonstrates how to navigate an existin...
这是一本关于sqlite 起源、特性、简介、使用、深度解析的书。 《sqlite权威指南(第二版)》首先从 sqlite 最初起源、特性、设计理念、实际应用讲解开始,逐步深入、全面地介绍了在各个平台如何使用sqlite。接着,介绍sqlite 的一般sql 和高级功能的sql,采取举例说明,使得本书内容生动有趣。然后,全面介绍了各种语言如何与sqlite 进行编程交互,重点介绍s...