Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton
"This masterpiece of history and biography turns the real-life adventures of Burton into a riveting tale...The last great word on the last great explorer of the colonial age." -Wall St...
"This masterpiece of history and biography turns the real-life adventures of Burton into a riveting tale...The last great word on the last great explorer of the colonial age." -Wall St...
In this revelatory new book, Sir Alex Ferguson dissects his 38 record-breaking years of management - first in Scotland and then, of course, at Manchester United - to reveal the key tools he used...
刘sir花了大量的时间,把那些与你成长*强相关的几十本商业、管理经典里的精华,结合自身十余年快速学习与高效管理的实践经验,嚼碎了、咬烂了、简单明了的呈现给你。你没时间读、读来很费劲、读了没读透或者忽略掉的不得不知的新概念、新方法、新思维,用*短的时间让你系统性的消化,快速缩短你与高手的认知差距,实现思维跃迁,让你知道且能做到,真正有所得到! ...
中华历史文化源远流长,博大精深。中华民族在形成和发展的过程中产生的各种思想、文化,记载了我们祖先在长期奋斗中开展的实践活动、进行的理性思考、创造的文化成果,反映了中华民族的精神追求。其核心的内容已成为流淌在我们民族血脉中的文化基因。 《袁腾飞讲先秦•上古春秋》从上古传说讲起,女娲、伏羲、神农、黄帝、帝喾、尧、舜轮番登场。令人肃然起敬的身世之谜,补天教民的不世之功;夏、商、西周江山...