《学习PYTHON—做个有编程能力的设计师》不是纯粹的Python编程学习,而是在学习基本Python编程语言时阐述辅助设计的方法,从Python Shell到RH_Python再到GH_Python,将Python真正作为设计者从事设计辅助的编程语言;同时,这又不是纯粹几何形式编程的说明,而是包括Python编程数据结构、基本语句、函数与类的学习过程。 在掌握Python语言的...
《学习PYTHON—做个有编程能力的设计师》不是纯粹的Python编程学习,而是在学习基本Python编程语言时阐述辅助设计的方法,从Python Shell到RH_Python再到GH_Python,将Python真正作为设计者从事设计辅助的编程语言;同时,这又不是纯粹几何形式编程的说明,而是包括Python编程数据结构、基本语句、函数与类的学习过程。 在掌握Python语言的...
Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional is the most comprehensive book on the Python ever written. Based on Practical Python, this newly revised book is both an introduction and practical ...
Want to know how to make your pages look beautiful, communicate your message effectively, guide visitors through your website with ease, and get everything approved by the accessibility and usab...
Generative design is a revolutionary new method of creating artwork, models, and animations from sets of rules, or algorithms. By using accessible programming languages such as Processing, artis...
“奢华”一度是拥有祖传遗产的贵族世界的专享。“奢华”的历史,就是一部关于传统、精致、骄奢的购物史。然而,今日的“奢华”却被打包贩卖给身价数十亿美元的国际大公司,这些大公司在意的只是规模扩张、公众注意、品牌认知度、广告,当然还有巨额利润。本书是对富丽堂皇者投去的强硬一瞥,并追问:“奢侈品为何失去了光泽?” 《奢侈的!》是一部深度剖析时尚界黑幕的纪实类时尚读物,系统地介绍了奢侈品牌的...
书名:ProcessingAProgrammingHandbookforVisualDesignersandArtists 作者:CaseyReas/BenFry 译者: ISBN:9780262182621 出版社:MITPress 出版 […]
How can we capture the unpredictable evolutionary and emergent properties of nature in software? How can understanding the mathematical principles behind our physical world help us to create dig...
Make cool stuff. If you're a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electroni...