Learning Python, 5th Edition
If you want to write efficient, high-quality code that's easily integrated with other languages and tools, this hands-on book will help you be productive with Python quickly. Learning Pytho...
If you want to write efficient, high-quality code that's easily integrated with other languages and tools, this hands-on book will help you be productive with Python quickly. Learning Pytho...
Lisp is often thought of as an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world. Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough i...
书名:A Tour of C++ 作者:[美]BjarneStroustrup 译者: ISBN:9780321958310 出版社:Addison-Wesley 出版时间:2013-10-18 格式:epub/mobi/azw3/pdf […]
* Already know Python but want to learn more? A lot more? Dive into a variety of topics used in practice for real-world applications. * Covers regular expressions, Internet/network programming, ...
The GNU Debugger allows you to see what is going on "inside" a program while it executes - or what a program was doing at the moment it crashed. GDB supports C, C++, Java, For...
Why don't typical enterprise projects go as smoothly as projects you develop for the Web? Does the REST architectural style really present a viable alternative for building distributed syst...
本书第一版于1993年问世,并从此成为畅销书。本书由Perl社区最著名、最活跃的两位成员写成,是Perl程序设计语言的精髓指南。 Perl最初只是Unix系统管理员的一个工具,在工作日里被用在无数的小任务中。从那以后,它逐步发展成为一种全功能的程序设计语言,特别是在各种计算平台上,它被用作Web编程、数据库处理、XML处理以及系统管理——它能够完成所有这些工作,同时仍然是处理小的...
C# in Depth is a completely new book designed to propel existing C# developers to a higher level of programming skill. One simple principle drives this book: explore a few things deeply rather t...
本书介绍了什么是计算机算法,如何描述它们,以及如何来评估它们。这些计算机算法将提供:利用计算机搜索信息的简单方式;解决各种排序问题的方法;利用有向无环图和最短路径法来解决基本问题的方法(可用于建模公路网络,任务间的依赖及金融关系);解决字符串(例如DNA结构)问题的方法;密码学背后的基本原理;数据压缩的基础知识;以及甚至一些没有人能够理解如何在计算机上用相当长的时间来解决的问题。 ...
本书基于C# 2.0的语法,试图将GOF 23中的模式以一种可工程化的公共库而非Example的方式呈现给读者。内容包括以下7部分。 第1篇主要是概括性的介绍;第2篇创建型模式介绍通过将实例化职责委托他方对象的办法,隔离客户程序与具体类型实例化的依赖关系,保证客户程序(或者外部系统)获得期望具体类型实例的、同时不必发生直接的引用;第3篇结构型模式的重点在于如何通过灵活的体系组织不...