Head First Python
Are you keen to add Python to your programming skills? Learn quickly and have some fun at the same time with Head First Python. This book takes you beyond typical how-to manuals with engaging im...
Are you keen to add Python to your programming skills? Learn quickly and have some fun at the same time with Head First Python. This book takes you beyond typical how-to manuals with engaging im...
Description Masterminds of Programming features exclusive interviews with the creators of several historic and highly influential programming languages. Think along with Adin D. Falkoff (APL)...
一种良好的进程间通信(IPC)形式是复杂精致的UNIX程序性能之关键。 《UNIX网络编程卷2:进程间通信》(第2版)(英文影印版)内容详尽且具有权威性,几乎每章都有精选的习题,是计算机和网络专业高年级本科生和研究生的首选教材,《UNIX网络编程卷2:进程间通信》(第2版)(英文影印版)也可作为网络研究和开发人员的自学教材和参考书。
书名:Kotlin in Action 作者:DmitryJemerov/SvetlanaIsakova 译者: ISBN:9781617293290 出版社:ManningPublications 出版时间:2016-12-31 格式:e […]
It might seem completely dated with all its examples written in the now outmoded Pascal programming language (well, unless you are one of those Delphi zealot trying to resist to the Java/.NET do...
Make cool stuff. If you're a designer or artist without a lot of programming experience, this book will teach you to work with 2D and 3D graphics, sound, physical interaction, and electroni...
书名:Code OptimizationEffectiveMemoryUsage 作者:KrisKaspersky 译者: ISBN:9781931769242 出版社:A-ListPublishing 出版时间:2003-09-01 格式 […]
这是一本使用Perl编程语言创建基于网络的应用程序的指导书。 全书内容分为四个部分:基础知识,为公共服务开发客户,开发TCP客户/服务器系统和高级主题。本书的目的是教会读者利用最新版Perl为TCP/IP提供的接口,创建健壮、易维护且高效的客户/服务器应用程序,核心内容是设计基于TCP的客户/服务器系统的方法和选择以及用于特定应用的高级技术。 全书层次分明,...
The Much-Anticipated Follow-Up to “Uncle Bob’s” Highly Praised Clean Code Programmers who endure and succeed amidst swirling uncertainty and nonstop pressure share a common attribute: The...