UNIX网络编程:第2版(第2卷 进程间通信),ISBN:9787302038153,作者:(美)[W.R.史蒂文斯]W.Richard Stevens著;杨继张译
UNIX网络编程:第2版(第2卷 进程间通信),ISBN:9787302038153,作者:(美)[W.R.史蒂文斯]W.Richard Stevens著;杨继张译
Programming in Scala is the definitive book on Scala, the new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts into a unique and powerful tool for d...
你认为自己了解Java多少?你是个爱琢磨的代码侦探吗?你是否曾经花费数天时间去追踪一个由Java或其类库的陷阱和缺陷而导致的bug?你喜欢智力测验吗?本书正好适合你! Bloch和Gafter继承了Effective Java一书的传统,深入研究了Java编程语言及其核心类库的细微之处。本书特写了95个噩梦般的谜题,中间穿插着许多有趣的视觉幻象,寓教于乐。任何具备Java知识的人...
书名:Head First Java 作者:KathySierra/BertBates 译者: ISBN:9781435291799 出版社:PawPrints2008-05-29 出版时间:2008-5-29 格式:epub/mobi/a […]
本书手把手地教读者用C语言制作两种编程语言:crowbar与Diksam。crowbar是运行分析树的无类型语言,Diksam是运行字节码的静态类型语言。这两种语言都具备四则运算、变量、条件分支、循环、函数定义、垃圾回收等功能,最终版则可以支持面向对象、异常处理等高级机制。所有源代码都提供下载,读者可以一边对照书中的说明一边调试源代码。这个过程对理解程序的运行机制十分有帮助。 本...
This innovative text presents computer programming as a unified discipline in a way that is both practical and scientifically sound. The book focuses on techniques of lasting value and explains ...
Python Crash Course is a fast-paced, thorough introduction to Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making things that work in no time. In the first half of the bo...
In their preface, the authors explain, "This book is meant to help the reader learn how to program in C. It contains tutorial introduction to get new users started as soon as possible, sepa...