Physical Computing
Physical computing is all around us from interactive displays at museums to "puff sensors" that aid the physically challenged. With a multiple book buying audience, this book doesn...
Physical computing is all around us from interactive displays at museums to "puff sensors" that aid the physically challenged. With a multiple book buying audience, this book doesn...
本书的编写基于Malmö大学实体原型(Physical Prototyping)实验室的教学内容。Physical Prototyping实验室是最早建立Arduino大学课程的教育机构之一。从2005年起,我们的课程范围涵盖了时装,体感技术,光影装置等等,包括硕士和学士课程。 2008年以前,这些课程的教育方式还是以纯技术为主。学生需要学习电子、编程、单片机等基础知识并将其运用...