Creative Confidence
IDEO founder and Stanford d.school creator David Kelley and his brother Tom Kelley, IDEO partner and the author of the bestselli ng The Art of Innovation , have written a powerful and compel...
IDEO founder and Stanford d.school creator David Kelley and his brother Tom Kelley, IDEO partner and the author of the bestselli ng The Art of Innovation , have written a powerful and compel...
IDEO是全球頂尖、引領產品風潮的設計公司,不但創造無數的市場寵兒(例如拍立得相機、Palm V),二十年來,更創造了一百多項獲獎的輝煌紀錄。這要歸功於他們緊扣的一項能力——創新。除了嬉鬧玩笑引爆創意,敏銳觀察、活力團隊、動腦會議、製作原型、期待意外、「異花授粉」、活在未來等的經營哲學與操作技術,才真正是IDEO出奇制勝、威力超強的火藥庫。 然而就因為美國廣播公司(ABC)的「夜...