Head First Design Patterns
You're not alone. At any given moment, somewhere in the world someone struggles with the same software design problems you have. You know you don't want to reinvent the wheel (or wors...
You're not alone. At any given moment, somewhere in the world someone struggles with the same software design problems you have. You know you don't want to reinvent the wheel (or wors...
在当今Java EE 开发中,Spring 框架是当之无愧的王者。而Spring Boot 是Spring 主推的基于“习惯优于配置”的原则,让你能够快速搭建应用的框架,从而使得Java EE 开发变得异常简单。 《JavaEE开发的颠覆者: Spring Boot实战》从Spring 基础、Spring MVC 基础讲起,从而无难度地引入Spring Boot 的学习。涵盖使用...
《JSP设计》(第3版)自1999处JSP 1.0发布以来,JavaServer Pages(JSP)可谓掀起了一场风暴,其追随者蜂拥而至。JSP为企业Java开发人员提供了一个开发动态Web网站和Web应用的灵活工具。随着JSP标准标记库(JSTL)的引入,JSP规范第一版中略显粗糙的方面也有了大幅改进,JSP 2.0则将此技术又推向了一个新的高度。 《JSP设计》(第三版)得到...
While the term "lambda expression" may sound abstract and academic, Java 8 Lambdas can have a big impact on how you program every day. In simplest terms, a lambda expression is a funct...
本书被广大Android 开发者誉为“Android 学习第一书”。全书系统全面、循序渐进地介绍了Android软件开发的必备知识、经验和技巧。 第2版基于Android 7.0 对第1 版进行了全面更新,将所有知识点都在最新的Android 系统上进行重新适配,使用 全新的Android Studio 开发工具代替之前的Eclipse,并添加了对Material Design、...
This comprehensive guide shows you how to master the most importantchanges to Java since it was first released. Generics and the greatlyexpanded collection libraries have tremendously increased ...
书名:Spring技术手册台湾技术作家林信良老师最新力作,勇夺台湾天龙书局排行榜首。与《ProSpring中文版》成套修炼,效果更佳。基础入门看“白皮”——《Spring技术手册》深入提高看“黑皮”——《ProSpring中文版》为Spri […]
Java领域最有影响力和价值的著作之一,拥有20多年教学与研究经验的资深Java技术专家撰写(获Jolt大奖),与《Java编程思想》齐名,10余年全球畅销不衰,广受好评。第9版根据JavaSE7全面更新,同时修正了第8版中的不足,系统全面讲解Java语言的核心概念、语法、重要特性和开发方法,包含大量案例,实践性强。 《Java核心技术·卷1:基础知识》共14章。第1章概述了Ja...
Written for the working Java developer, Joshua Bloch's Effective Java Programming Language Guide provides a truly useful set of over 50 best practices and tips for writing better Java code....
Fully updated to reflect Java SE 7 language changes, Core Java(TM), Volume I-Fundamentals, Ninth Edition, is the definitive guide to the Java platform. Designed for serious programmers, this rel...