This Bright Future
An explosive memoir from Bobby Hall, the multiplatinum recording artist known as Logic and the #1 bestselling author of Supermarket. This Bright Future is a raw and unfiltered journey into th...
An explosive memoir from Bobby Hall, the multiplatinum recording artist known as Logic and the #1 bestselling author of Supermarket. This Bright Future is a raw and unfiltered journey into th...
The “work from home” phenomenon is thoroughly explored in this illuminating new book from bestselling 37signals founders Fried and Hansson, who point to the surging trend of employees working fr...
Calculating God is the new near-future SF thriller from the popular and award-winning Robert J. Sawyer. An alien shuttle craft lands outside the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. A six-legged, tw...
书名:默克诊疗手册 作者:(美)比尔斯 译者:薛纯良 ISBN:9787117038232 出版社:人民卫生出版社 出版时间:2006-2 格式:epub/mobi/azw3/pdf 页数:3128 豆瓣评分: 9.4 书籍简介: 作者简介 […]
混沌理論(Chaos theory)目前在金融決策上已經扮演關鍵角色。藉著對無法預測現象進行多年的科學觀察,這項理論的總結確實能提供交易員全新的觀點,用以掌握金融市場的價格波動。 《混沌操作法》一書試圖從混沌分析法抽象而複雜的概念中汲取精義,歸納出易懂好用的工具,為交易和投資提供實際而全面的運用。不論您目前的專業程度為何,本書都能帶領您提昇交易信心並增加操作利潤。 「作者為...