近代中国有两个革命党:国民党和共产党。中国革命究竟走向何种方向,决定于国共两党的力量消长与较量。这场较量持续了将近三十年,最终,后起的、弱小的共产党战胜了国民党,并左右了中国后来的历史。两个革命党长期以来分分合合,你中有我,我中有你。国民党何以败,共产党何以胜?本书首度利用国共双方的各种档案文献及其他史料,对涉及国共关系发展中的一系列重大问题作了全面深入的考察和研究。 ...
近代中国有两个革命党:国民党和共产党。中国革命究竟走向何种方向,决定于国共两党的力量消长与较量。这场较量持续了将近三十年,最终,后起的、弱小的共产党战胜了国民党,并左右了中国后来的历史。两个革命党长期以来分分合合,你中有我,我中有你。国民党何以败,共产党何以胜?本书首度利用国共双方的各种档案文献及其他史料,对涉及国共关系发展中的一系列重大问题作了全面深入的考察和研究。 ...
In A History of the World in 100 Objects, Neal MacGregor, director of the British Museum, takes readers on a tour of the world by way of its material goods. From everyday items such as pots, ute...
Bill Bryson describes himself as a reluctant traveller: but even when he stays safely in his own study at home, he can't contain his curiosity about the world around him. A Short History of...
First published in 1921, The Story of Mankind has charmed generations of readers of all ages with its warmth, simplicity, and wisdom. Beginning with the origins of human life and sweeping forwar...
In Telling Stories, Mary Jo Maynes, Jennifer L. Pierce, and Barbara Laslett argue that personal narratives—autobiographies, oral histories, life history interviews, and memoirs—are an important ...
★ “过去十年关于二战zui好、zui有用的书之一” ★ 公认的二战史权威基思·罗威最新力作 ★ 《野蛮大陆》姊妹篇 ★ 《星期日泰晤士报》畅销书TOP10 【内容简介】 《恐惧与自由》是继《野蛮大陆》之后,基思·罗威的又一力作。作品深刻剖析第二次世界大战给世界带来的重大变化,它既是毁灭性的,又是建设性的。作者对各大洲、各个阶层饱受战争之苦的幸存者进行了深...
100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Us. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? Why did our foragi...