初音未來的消失 小說版
平凡的大學生──篠裡朝乃被委託進行人造人「初音未來」的現場測試。儘管對跟人類極其相似的「初音未來」感到困惑,朝乃還是漸漸與未來心靈相通。然而,當得知她身上的巨大祕密後──? CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA/EXIT TUNES【公認】 包括超人氣歌曲『初音未來的消失』,所有『消失』系列樂曲都以小說原創故事重現了! 無/論/如/何/都/希/望/能/傳/達/給/...
平凡的大學生──篠裡朝乃被委託進行人造人「初音未來」的現場測試。儘管對跟人類極其相似的「初音未來」感到困惑,朝乃還是漸漸與未來心靈相通。然而,當得知她身上的巨大祕密後──? CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA/EXIT TUNES【公認】 包括超人氣歌曲『初音未來的消失』,所有『消失』系列樂曲都以小說原創故事重現了! 無/論/如/何/都/希/望/能/傳/達/給/...
There has been an explosive growth in the field of combinatorial algorithms. These algorithms depend not only on results in combinatorics and especially in graph theory, but also on the developm...
★ 美国社会学会2013年度“亚洲研究最佳著作奖” ★ 社会研究协会2012年度“全球化研究最佳著作奖” ★ “玛丽·道格拉斯图书奖”提名 ================================================ 作者通过在上海等地进行的深入细致的民族志访谈,记录了中国人寿保险市场在避谈死亡的文化禁忌下的发展历程及其背后的微观政治。书中提...
Businesses and the HCI and Interaction Design communities have embraced design and design research. Design research as a field blends methodologies from several disciplines - sociology, engineer...
This groundbreaking book defines the emerging field of information visualization and offers the first-ever collection of the classic papers of the discipline, with introductions and anal...
Review 'Behind the modest title of 'An Introduction' lies the type of work the field needs to consolidate its learning and move forward to address new challenges. Across the ch...
【Product Description】 Built on a solid foundation of current research in the field, Usability Testing and Research provides a comprehensive, up-to-date perspective in this increasingly import...
Computer science and economics have engaged in a lively interaction over the past fifteen years, resulting in the new field of algorithmic game theory. Many problems that are central to modern c...
Designed for those individuals interested in the current state of development in the field of investment science, this book emphasizes the fundamental principles and how they can be mastered and...
Once in a great while a science fiction story is so visionary, yet so close to impending scientific developments that it becomes not only an accurate predictor, but itself the locus for new disc...