桦鬼与他的新娘终于心意相通, 更大的阴谋却已在悄悄酝酿…… 少女神无在16岁生日之时,被告知自己将要嫁给鬼的首领——“鬼头”桦鬼,并被强行带走。然而身为鬼头新娘的神无一直都被女生的嫉意和男生的欲望所包围,甚至因此屡屡遭遇危险,桦鬼却对她不管不顾,所幸有三翼一直从旁守护…… 在桦鬼的老家遭到袭击、死里逃生之后,神无再次回到学校。她渐渐接纳了桦鬼。而桦鬼对神无同样有种道不...
桦鬼与他的新娘终于心意相通, 更大的阴谋却已在悄悄酝酿…… 少女神无在16岁生日之时,被告知自己将要嫁给鬼的首领——“鬼头”桦鬼,并被强行带走。然而身为鬼头新娘的神无一直都被女生的嫉意和男生的欲望所包围,甚至因此屡屡遭遇危险,桦鬼却对她不管不顾,所幸有三翼一直从旁守护…… 在桦鬼的老家遭到袭击、死里逃生之后,神无再次回到学校。她渐渐接纳了桦鬼。而桦鬼对神无同样有种道不...
The Lean UX approach to interaction design is tailor-made for today's web-driven reality. In this insightful book, leading advocate Jeff Gothelf teaches you valuable Lean UX principles, tac...
Our industry’s long wait for the complete, strategic guide to mobile web design is finally over. Former Yahoo! design architect and co-creator of Bagcheck Luke Wroblewski knows more about mobile...
"Universal Methods of Design is an immensely useful survey of research and design methods used by today's top practitioners, and will serve as a crucial reference for any designer grap...
Whether you’re designing consumer electronics, medical devices, enterprise Web apps, or new ways to check out at the supermarket, today’s digitally-enabled products and services provide both gre...
本书系统全面地介绍Web页面外观设计的相关知识。本书分为八章:导论、站点分析、导航、页面布局、色彩、图形、排版和表单。全面讲解网站界面所涉及的内容,叙述生动,由浅入深,提供了大量的示例代码以具体地说明如何运用所讨论的设计概念。. 本书可供Web开发技术人员和美工人员参考。... ...
This valuable little book offers a thorough introduction to the open-source electronics prototyping platform that's taking the design and hobbyist world by storm. Getting Started with Ardui...
Bill Buxton and I share a common belief that design leadership together with technical leadership drives innovation. Sketching, prototyping, and design are essential parts of the process we use...
* The return of the authoritative bestseller includes all new content relevant to the popularization of how About Face maintains its relevance to new Web technologies such as AJAX and mobile pla...
Thoroughly rewritten for today's web environment, this bestselling book offers a fresh look at a fundamental topic of web site development: navigation design. Amid all the changes to the We...