Who Am I?
书名:Who Am I?AnAutobiographyOfEmotion,Mind,AndSpirit 作者:Yi-FuTuan 译者: ISBN:9780299166601 出版社:UniversityofWisconsinPress 出 […]
书名:Who Am I?AnAutobiographyOfEmotion,Mind,AndSpirit 作者:Yi-FuTuan 译者: ISBN:9780299166601 出版社:UniversityofWisconsinPress 出 […]
An extraordinary tale of an American firm’s astounding success in China In Money Machine: A Trailblazing American Venture in China, Weijian Shan delivers a compelling account of one of the mo...
The 1793 British embassy to China, which led to Lord George Macartney’s fraught encounter with the Qianlong emperor, has often been viewed as a clash of cultures fueled by the East’s disinterest...
鄒平是中國山東省的一個縣,1930年代思想家梁漱溟等人在此開啟其鄉村建設實驗,半世紀之後,人類學者任柯安(Andrew B. Kipnis)以此地作為田野調查的場域,展開長達25年的社會轉型研究。 自1988至2013年,任柯安定期造訪鄒平,從人類學的視角、理論、方法與實踐出發,見證了鄒平從一個3萬人口的農業縣城,蛻變成30多萬人口的繁榮城市。他提出了「重組」的概念,來闡釋鄒平這...
Many thought China's rise would fundamentally remake the global order. Yet, much like other developing nations, the Chinese state now finds itself in a status quo characterized by free trad...
本书以黄宗智在每年下半年开设面向全国高校相关学科在读生招生的“社会、经济与法律:历史与理论”研修班的理念与课程内容为基础,是一部结合理论与实践的社会科学研究指南书,旨在为青年学生和高校青年教师提供一种研究进路上的借鉴,即黄宗智倡导的扎根于中国实际的社会科学研究方法。 包含19篇学员感悟,横跨8个专业;9名学者的研究经验总结与反思;黄宗智与周黎安2位教授的思想碰撞火花。 由于...
China's transition to a market economy has propelled its remarkable economic growth since the late 1970s. In this book, Nicholas R. Lardy, one of the world's foremost experts on the Ch...
本书选材内容丰富,除了通常数值方法课程的内容外,还包含当代科学计算大量用到的专题,如求特殊函数值、随机数、排序、最优化、快速傅里叶变换、谱分析、小波变换、统计描述和数据建模、常微分方程和偏微分方程数值解、若干编码算法和任意精度的计算等。 本书科学性和实用性统一。每个专题中,不仅对每种算法给出了数学分析和比较,而且根据作者的经验对算法做出了评论和建议,并在此基础上给出了用C++语言...
In the 1980s and 1990s many in the West came to believe in the myth of an East-Asian economic miracle. Japan was going to dominate, then China. Countries were called “tigers” or “mini-dragons,” ...