Algorithms to Live By
书名:Algorithms to Live ByTheComputerScienceofHumanDecisions 作者:BrianChristian/TomGriffiths 译者: ISBN:9780007547999 出版社:Wil […]
书名:Algorithms to Live ByTheComputerScienceofHumanDecisions 作者:BrianChristian/TomGriffiths 译者: ISBN:9780007547999 出版社:Wil […]
Algorithms and Data Structures in Action introduces you to a diverse range of algorithms you’ll use in web applications, systems programming, and data manipulation. Chapter-by-chapter, the book ...
书名:Selected Papers on the Analysis of Algorithms 作者:[美国]DonaldKnuth 译者: ISBN:9781575862125 出版社:CenterfortheStudyofLangua […]
Unlock the secrets to creating random mazes! Whether you're a game developer, an algorithm connoisseur, or simply in search of a new puzzle, you're about to level up. Learn algorithms ...
书名:Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python (2/e) 作者:BradleyN.Miller/DavidL.Ranum 译者: ISBN:97815 […]
Robert Sedgewick has thoroughly rewritten and substantially expanded and updated his popular work to provide current and comprehensive coverage of important algorithms and data structures. Chris...
书名:Graphs, Networks and Algorithms 作者:DieterJungnickel 译者: ISBN:9783642322778 出版社:Springer 出版时间:2012-11-9 格式:epub/mobi/a […]
The term "stringology" is a popular nickname for text algorithms, or algorithms on strings. This book deals with the most basic algorithms in the area. Most of them can be viewed as ...
Most algorithm books today are either academic textbooks or rehashes of the same tired set of algorithms. Practical Algorithms for Programmers is the first book to give complete code implementat...
Randomized algorithms have become a central part of the algorithms curriculum, based on their increasingly widespread use in modern applications. This book presents a coherent and unified treatm...