Grokking Algorithms
Grokking Algorithms is a fully illustrated, friendly guide that teaches you how to apply common algorithms to the practical problems you face every day as a programmer. You'll start with so...
Grokking Algorithms is a fully illustrated, friendly guide that teaches you how to apply common algorithms to the practical problems you face every day as a programmer. You'll start with so...
The challenges of problems from international programming competitions are an effective way to improve your algorithmic and coding skills and understanding. This volume uses international progra...
《编程珠玑》第一版是我早期职业生涯中阅读过的对我影响较大的书籍之一,在书中首次接触到的很多观点都让我长期受益。作者在这一版本中做了重要更新,新增加的很多例子让我耳目一新。——Steve McConnell,《代码大全》作者 如果让程序员列举出他们喜欢的书籍,Jon Bentley的《编程珠玑》一定可以归于经典之列。如同精美的珍珠出自饱受沙砾折磨的牡蛎,程序员们的精彩设计也来源泉于曾经...
多年以来,当程序员们推选出最心爱的计算机图书时,《编程珠玑》总是位列前列。正如自然界里珍珠出自细沙对牡蛎的磨砺,计算机科学大师Jon Bentley以其独有的洞察力和创造力,从磨砺程序员的实际问题中凝结出一篇篇不朽的编程“珠玑”。这些文章是《ACM通讯》最受欢迎的专栏文章,最终结集为两部书出版。本书为第一卷,主要讨论计算机科学中最本质的问题:如何正确选择和高效地实现算法。 在书中...
This multivolume work is widely recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The first three volumes have for decades been an invaluable resource in programming theory...
书名:Programming Pearls 作者:[美]JonBentley 译者: ISBN:9780201657883 出版社:Addison-WesleyProfessional 出版时间:1999-10-7 格式:epub/mobi […]
书名:Elements of Programming InterviewsTheInsiders'Guide 作者:AdnanAziz/Tsung-HsienLee/AmitPrakash 译者: ISBN:97814792748 […]
What do topics ranging from organic chemistry to Napoleon's campaigns have to do with computer programming? This collection of essays demonstrates the many varied aspects of programming, sh...
Robert Sedgewick完全重写了他的著作,对它进行了充分的扩展和更新,涵盖了目前重要的算法和数据结构。Christopher Van Wyk和Sedgewick开发的新实现采用的是C++语言,这种实现不仅能够直接地表达算法,而且给编程者提供了实践的方法,以便在真正的应用中测试这些算法。 新的版本提供了很多新算法,而且对每个算法的解释也比以前的版本详细很多。新的版面设计以及详细...