Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Based on a Based on a new classification of algorithm design techniques and a clear delineation of analysis methods, "Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms" presents th...
Based on a Based on a new classification of algorithm design techniques and a clear delineation of analysis methods, "Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms" presents th...
Over the course of a generation, algorithms have gone from mathematical abstractions to powerful mediators of daily life. Algorithms have made our lives more efficient, more entertaining, and, s...
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ is an advanced algorithms book that bridges the gap between traditional CS2 and Algorithms Analysis courses. As the speed and power of computers inc...
书名:Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python (2/e) 作者:BradleyN.Miller/DavidL.Ranum 译者: ISBN:97815 […]
Richard Bird takes a radically new approach to algorithm design, namely, design by calculation. These 30 short chapters each deal with a particular programming problem drawn from sources as dive...
书名:Algorithm Design 作者:Kleinberg,Jon;Tardos,Eva 译者: ISBN:9780273752332 出版社: 出版时间:2011-12-1 格式:epub/mobi/azw3/pdf 页数:992 […]
书名:Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python 作者:BradleyN.Miller/DavidL.Ranum 译者: ISBN:97815902805 […]
作者基于丰富的教学经验,开发了一套对算法进行分类的新方法。这套方法站在通用问题求解策略的高度,能对现有的大多数算法都能进行准确分类,从而使本书的读者能够沿着一条清晰的、一致的、连贯的思路来探索算法设计与分析这一迷人领域。本书作为第2版,相对第1版增加了新的习题,还增加了“迭代改进”一章,使得原来的分类方法更加完善。 本书十分适合作为算法设计和分析的基础教材,也适合任何有兴趣探究算...
本书分4 部分,同时用函数式和传统方法介绍主要的基本算法和数据结构。数据结构部分包括二叉树、红黑树、AVL 树、Trie、Patricia、后缀树、B 树、二叉堆、二项式堆、斐波那契堆、配对堆、队列、序列等;基本算法部分包括各种排序算法、序列搜索算法、字符串匹配算法(KMP 等)、深度优先与广度优先搜索算法、贪心算法以及动态规划。 本书适合软件开发人员、编程和算法爱好者,以及高校...
算法是计算机科学领域最重要的基石之一。算法谜题,就是能够直接或间接地采用算法来加以解决的谜题。求解算法谜题是培养和锻炼算法思维能力一种最有效和最有乐趣的途径。 本书是一本经典算法谜题的合集。本书包括了一些古已有之的谜题,数学和计算机科学有一部分知识就发源于此。本书中还有一些较新的谜题,其中有一部分谜题被用作知名IT企业的面试题。全书可分为4个部分,分别是概览、谜题、提示和答案。概...