Real-Time Collision Detection

书名:Real-Time Collision Detection
豆瓣评分: 9.5


Written by an expert in the game industry, Christer Ericson's new book is a comprehensive guide to the components of efficient real-time collision detection systems. The book provides the tools and know-how needed to implement industrial-strength collision detection for the highly detailed dynamic environments of applications such as 3D games, virtual reality applications, and physical simulators. Of the many topics covered, a key focus is on spatial and object partitioning through a wide variety of grids, trees, and sorting methods. The author also presents a large collection of intersection and distance tests for both simple and complex geometric shapes. Sections on vector and matrix algebra provide the background for advanced topics such as Voronoi regions, Minkowski sums, and linear and quadratic programming. Of utmost importance to programmers but rarely discussed in this much detail in other books are the chapters covering numerical and geometric robustness, both essential topics for collision detection systems. Also unique are the chapters discussing how graphics hardware can assist in collision detection computations and on advanced optimization for modern computer architectures. All in all, this comprehensive book will become the industry standard for years to come.



@ 豆友36610783 字典 @ Aquietzero 大学时期读烂尾的书,现在再看难度不大,其中的数学比较简单,设计思路也非常容易理解,大部分内容都是可以直接实现的细节,边看边做,实现了书中大部分的算法,感兴趣的笔记部分如下: @ 栗喉蜂虎 理论部分很多是直接给结论,偏重实现 @ Miku酱知道的世 An awesome book! 这本书真心经典,总结了相当多的文献。请阅读的时候记得参照一下作者网站上的校正信息,确实书中有些明显的错误。不过,考虑到这么复杂的一类问题,这本书总结的相当好了。启发很大。强烈推荐。 @ 栗喉蜂虎 大学时期读烂尾的书,现在再看难度不大,其中的数学比较简单,设计思路也非常容易理解,大部分内容都是可以直接实现的细节,边看边做,实现了书中大部分的算法,感兴趣的笔记部分如下: @ Galois 理论部分很多是直接给结论,偏重实现 @ 豆友36610783 字典 @ Miku酱知道的世 An awesome book! 这本书真心经典,总结了相当多的文献。请阅读的时候记得参照一下作者网站上的校正信息,确实书中有些明显的错误。不过,考虑到这么复杂的一类问题,这本书总结的相当好了。启发很大。强烈推荐。


  • In terms of size, a d-ary tree of n leaves has(n − 1)/(d − 1) internal nodes for a total of (nd − 1)/(d − 1) nodes in the tree
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  • Because the area of a triangle can be written as base · height/2, and because foreach of the previous ratios the triangles involved share the same base, the previ-ous expressions simplify to ratios of heights
    —— 引自第50页
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