Programming Python

书名:Programming Python3rdedition
豆瓣评分: 8.0


Already the industry standard for Python users, "Programming Python" from O'Reilly just got even better. This third edition has been updated to reflect current best practices and the abundance of changes introduced by the latest version of the language, Python 2.5. Whether you're a novice or an advanced practitioner, you'll find this refreshed book more than lives up to its reputation. "Programming Python, Third Edition" teaches you the right way to code. It explains Python language syntax and programming techniques in a clear and concise manner, with numerous examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms. By reading this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to apply Python in real-world problem domains such as: GUI programming; Internet scripting; Parallel processing; Database management; and Networked applications. "Programming Python, Third Edition" covers each of these target domains gradually, beginning with in-depth discussions of core concepts and then progressing toward complete programs. Large examples do appear, but only after you've learned enough to understand their techniques and code. Along the way, you'll also learn how to use the Python language in realistically scaled programs–concepts such as OOP and code reuse are recurring side themes throughout this text. If you're interested in Python programming, then this O'Reilly classic needs to be within arm's reach. The wealth of practical advice, snippets of code and patterns of program design can all be put into use on a daily basis–making your life easier and more productive.



@ 墨痕 太太太啰嗦了!!! @ dalin Mark的风格就是有点罗嗦但是蛮清楚的。 @ Kurten 对于学习python的,入门还不错 @ jackliu 内容很长很细啊,值得认真读读 @ SayHellotoNever 还是去读官方最新教程比较好 @ SayHellotoNever 还是去读官方最新教程比较好 @ 一蓑烟雨 这是作者三个系列中的一本,我看的是第四版,外文。跟本系列的learning python一样的语言风格,废话多。看到最后,实在看不下去了。书是好书,节奏太慢,就是没太多时间。 @ 東森映画 首先你需要Python这么棒的电脑语言 @ Lo Need more practice @ Mulog sorry又没看完-_-


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